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        "Kate!" Brian helps Michael onto the sofa.

       "Oh, my God! Baby, baby, baby, baby!" Kate yells.

       "Something bit Michael."

       "Oh baby. Okay." She says.

       "Oh, my God."

       "What is it? Is it bad?" Michael asks. "Brian. Kate. Is it bad?"

        "The bite – the bite's gone." Brian says as Kate phones for help.

        "911. What's your emergency?"

        "Did – did you dicks just punk me?" Asks Kate.

       "Is anybody there? Hello?"

       Kate hangs up.

       "It's completely gone." Brian says.

        "Baby, it's okay. Hey, hey, hey. Honey, it's okay. It's okay. Babe."

       Later, Brian and Kate are sitting at the table. "The Doctor said he's gonna be fine. You heard him. Literally not a scratch on the kid." Brian whispers. Michael is asleep on the sofa.

       "If anything happens to Michael, I-I don't know what I would do." Kate says.

       "Shh. It's okay." Brian says.

       Michael wakes. Brian and Kate put their heads down on the table and pretend to be asleep. Michael walks through the room to the bathroom and pulls the door off its hinges. They jump.

       "What? Baby." Kate says.

      "Uh..." Michael says.

       "Did you just pull that off?" Asks Brian.

       "Whoa. Whoa." Kate says.

        Brian films Michael holding something over his head and laughing. "Okay. Okay, okay. Now – now one-handed." He says.

       The camera pans out and we see that he is holding Kate horizontally over his head, now with one hand. She giggles and shrieks.

        "Oh, my God!" Brian yells.

       "Stay still, stay still, stay still." Michael tells her.

       "Dude, whoa!" Brian yells. Michael drops Kate into his arms and they laugh and kiss.

       Even later, Brian is using a computer. "Maybe you got bit by an alien. That would explain the FBI." Kate says.

       "Or maybe a mutant bit you." Brian says.

       "Am I a superhero now?" Asks Michael.


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       Brian appears to be setting up equipment in various places in the house. "What are you doing?" Kate asks.

       "What do you think I'm doing? I finally found my movie." Brian says.

       "What? Michael? Michael is not your movie." Kate says. "We don't even know what happened to him."

        "Exactly. I'm gonna get Michael's origin story on-camera." Brian says.

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