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"Cas, can I talk to you outside?" Dean says as he and Castiel get out of the Impala.

"What?" Castiel starts.

"Exactly. What? What the hell happened? Back there. Purgatory. I told you I would get you out. We were there!" Dean yells. "It was like you just gave up. It's like you didn't believe we could do it. I mean, you kept saying that you didn't think it would work. Did you not trust me?"

"Dean..." Cas starts.

"I did everything I could to get you out – everything! I did not leave you." Dean says.

"So you think this was your fault?" Asks Castiel. A car drives up. Sam gets out of the Impala. Mrs Tran parks next to the Impala and gets out of her car.

"You can do this, can't you? You can get him back?" Mrs. Tran asks.

"How did Crowley find you?" Elena asks.

"Oh, I hired a witch, and she ratted us out."

"A witch? Why'd you hire a witch?" Asks Sam.

"To make demon bombs, of course! These are Kevin's notes." Mrs Tran gives Sam a notebook.

"You have any idea where Crowley took him?" Dean asks.

"No. But, uh..." She unlocks the trunk of her car. "...this guy might." The Demon she blasted with the Super-Soaker is inside the trunk bound by a Devil's Trap on the trunk lid.

"Oh." Dean takes out his demon-killing knife. "Let's talk."

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Kevin is strapped to a chair in the room where Crowley tortured Samandiriel. A bloodstained table holds torture implements. "I thought privacy might make it easier to chat. Decision time, Kevin. How's this going to go? Don't be recalcitrant, Kevin. You know it brings out the worst in me." Crowley grabs a knife and cuts off one of Kevin's little fingers.

Kevin screams. "All right! Enough! I'll do it!" He yells.

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Kevin is reading the stone tablet. His left hand is wrapped in a bloodstained bandage. "The next is... 'The demonic influence on the collective tapestry of the soul'." He says.

"Blah, blah, blah. Doesn't anyone ever edit this stuff?" Crowley asks. "So far, as a writer, God's a snooze. No fun at parties, I hear."

"Um, 'Demonic transport to the regions of Hell'."

"Tell me something I don't know! Think macro. This is stupefyingly micro." Crowley says.

"How macro?" Kevin asks.

"Game changing."


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The Impala and Mrs Tran's car drive along the fence outside the factory. Dean and Castiel are in the Impala. As Mrs Tran goes to get out of her car, Sam handcuffs her to the steering wheel. "Sorry, Mrs. Tran." Sam says.

"Wait! What?!" Mrs Tran yells as Dean opens the trunk of her car.

"This it?" Dean asks.

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