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We see Dean cutting Shane's arm as he sits on the bed. Shane, now dressed, grimaces with pain. "Seriously? This is FBI-sanctioned?" He asks as Dean puts a bandana over the wound. Shane holds it in place.

"Drink." Sam gives Shane a flask. He gives the opening a sniff, then takes a drink and hands the flask back to Sam.

"All right, so, uh, how long has this dying thing been going on?" Dean asks.

"As long as I can remember, but my memory only goes back a few years."

"Wait, so now you have amnesia? How do you know your name?" Dean asks.

"My real name isn't Shane. It was given to me because... I don't know, people had to call me something." Says Shane.

"Okay. So, then, what happened to you?" Elena asks.

"Got pulled off a mountain in Europe. They said that I got caught in an avalanche. I don't remember anything from before the rescue." Shane says. "When I realized my condition, I knew I couldn't be around other people, so I built a little cabin, learned to hunt, kept to myself. Seemed easiest that way. Then a couple pot growers grew nervous with me being so near their crop. Shot me–twice. I figured it was time to move on."

"Right into the grille of that pickup." Dean says.

"You think maybe I could clean up?"

"Yeah, man. Knock yourself out." Dean says as Shane gets up and walks into the bathroom. "Well, he's definitely something."

"Yeah, but maybe he's not the monster." Sam puts the flask into the inner pocket of his suit coat. "Maybe he's the victim."

"You thinking curse?" Asks Dean.

"Could be looking for a witch, yeah. You know what?" Sam says. "He's parked here. He's safe. Maybe we should just get another room until we can figure this out."

"All right, but you're the one going full-cavity for the hex bag."

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Shane is lying down sleeping. We see a shadowy figure close by the bed. It's a woman, pretty, medium-length dark hair, dressed in leather. She moves closer, sits down on the bed, runs her fingers through Shane's hair. He jerks awake and grabs her wrist. She looks lovingly at him, he stares back at her.

"Who are you?" He asks.

"You don't remember." She frowns. "Never mind." She raises a blade ready to stab him. A fight ensues. She's thrown onto a sink, we hear glass breaking. She hops off the sink and attacks Shane again, slashing her blade which he easily evades.

The door opens and Dean walks into the room. He raises his knife and attacks the woman. She dodges Dean and whip kicks his legs out from under him. Dean is down, but she loses her weapon. Sam enters through the doorway. Her hand comes up, palm towards Sam, and he is flung back outside and rolls down the stairs to land in front of the Impala.

Back inside, Shane flings the woman into the wall. She stands there for a moment, looks at her blade on the floor. She steps forward, grabs the blade and attacks Shane. He grabs her arm, flips her, effectively removing the weapon from her hand and now he is in control.

"Aah!" She yells.

Shane shoves her against the wall and presses the shiny silver blade into her cheek. "Who are you?" He asks. We see Dean getting up, knife in hand. Sam comes back into the room along with Elena.

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