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"I killed for him, so I could find you." Elena says and Dean looks away. "I'm sorry."

"How many?"


"How many?!" Dean demands

"25." Elena says. "I wasn't proud of it either, but don't tell me you wouldn't do the same for each other."

"She has a point." Sam says. "It's not right, but she has a point."

"And once I did, I was supposed to be released, but he found a loophole." Elena says. "I can't get out of the deal."

Dean stands up and walks around the table. "There's got to be a way out, I mean, there's loopholes in loopholes." He says.

"That doesn't make any sense." Sam says.

"Shut up, Sam." Dean says. "So that must be why Kevin warned me about you. He knew."

"Of course he knew." Elena says. "I'm the one that helped him escape. But you can't help me."

"What hold does he have on you?" Dean asks.

"Remember Jenna?" Elena asks.

"Your hot Aunt?" Dean asks and Elena gives him a look. "What? It was before I liked you"

"Anyways." Elena turns to Sam. "After Dean got out, I called Crowley and tried to get out of my deal. He found a loophole and added Jenna in it, saying that if I don't comply, he was going to kill her. She still stays in my apartment."

"We're gonna get you out if this." Sam says softly.

"I don't want to be saved." Elena says. "Not if it means that Crowley is going to kill every single person I love."

"He has no right!" Dean yells.

"It's too late." Elena says and gets up to leave.

"No." Sam says. "Maybe not. I mean, we can go down there and protect your Aunt before she gets iced."

"It could work. We've gotten deals out of Crowley before." Dean says.

"But I'm different." Elena says. "He practically needs me."

"Pack your things." Dean says. "We're leaving."

[ ☾]

Elena knocks on the door. "Jenna, open up. It's Elena." She says. The door creaks open and we see Jenna through the opening.

"Who is that behind you?" Jenna asks.

"It's Dean and Sam." Elena says. The door opens and they all step in. Jenna watches as they all step over the devil's trap and let's out a sigh of relief.

"Good, you're not demons." Jenna says.

"You live here by yourself?" Sam asks.

"Yep." Jenna says. "Elena hasn't visited me in months and I guess you're the reason why." She says.

"How do you eat?" Dean asks.

"I'm afraid to go outside so I eat takeout." Jenna says. "I also run on the treadmill so I can still see my toes."

"Well, we're here to save you." Dean says.

Jenna looks at Elena. "You told them right?" She asks.

"Yes, but they insisted." Elena says as Sam begins pouring a salt circle around Jenna.

"Elena and I are gonna go meet Crowley in a disclosed area where he can't get you." Dean says. "Sam is staying here to protect you."

Elena and Dean move towards the door. "Be careful." Sam says and they both nod. When the close the door, Elena stops walking.

"What's wrong?" Dean asks.

"If something happens to Jenna, I'll have no one else." Elena says. "I can't blame anyone else anymore. It's not because you came back or because we fell in love. That's not why everyone I love is in danger. It's because of me. Everything is because of me."

Dean opens his arms. "Come here." He says and they hug.   

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Dean and Elena stand around a table with a bowl on it. They look at each other. "You ready?" Dean asks and Elena nods. He throws a match into the bowl and they wait patiently.

"What's the sitch?" Crowley asks and they both turn around.

"I want her out of your deal." Dean says.

"Dean, Dean, Dean." Crowley says. "Always getting to the point. Do you ever stop and smell the roses?"

"Cut the crap, Crowley. Or so help me God I'll..."

"What? Kill me? Oh poor poor Jenna." He says and snaps his fingers.

"No!" Elena

"All you had to do was leave it be."

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Jenna and Sam are sitting down when they both hear howling. Sam pushes her inside the circle and they both get in. "Wish I had some of those glasses right about now." Sam says as somethings bursts through the window. The salt line breaks away.

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