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        Later, Dean, Elena and Sam are sitting at the table reading the letters. "They're all the same. 'Dearest Betsy...' Blah blah blah. Who's Betsy?" Sam asks.

       "I don't know. Girlfriend? Eleanor didn't mention a Betsy." Elena says.

       "This one looks old. Uh, "Dearest Betsy, third day of training camp. Roadwork improving. Working on my left jab." Sam recites, "They say this kid Sugar Ray is gonna be tough."

        "Sugar Ray? As in Robinson? Didn't he box in, like, the '40s?" Dean asks. "Is it signed the Same?"

       "Yeah. 'Love, me'." Sam says.

       "Here. 'Dearest Betsy, on the road again. So hard to be away from you, honey. Will give the Red Sox hell and get back to you'."

       "'Dearest Betsy..." Says Sam.

        "'Dearest Betsy, Le Mans will be a bitch this year with all the rain...'" Dean says.

       "'...the Phillies are tough, but we're looking to be tougher..."

        "...them Dodgers will wish they never left Brooklyn..." Dean says.

        "Wait, this one looks recent. "Dearest Betsy... So tired of it all." Sam says.

[ ☾]

         Sam is using the laptop at the table. Dean is reading from a clipboard while sitting on a chair pulled up to one of the beds, which is covered with papers and files.

        "Hey. I pulled up the names on those trophies. Check it out." Sam says as Dean and Elena move their chairs over to sit next to Sam. "All right, Brick Holmes – football player." He brings up photos on the laptop. "Charlie Karnes – race-car driver. Davey Samuelson – baseball player. Kelly Duran – boxer. Four different guys, right?"

       "Okay." Dean says.

       "Check this out." Sam arranges the photos so that head shots of the four athletes appear on the page. "Same dark eyes, Same cheekbones, nose, mouth."

       "Wait, are you saying that these four guys who all look to be in their mid-20s and go back 70 years could be the Same guy? Wow. For a 95-year-old, Brick Holmes could take a hit."

        Sam is typing on the laptop while Dean is looking at some of the papers that are spread out on the bed. "So, if all those athletes were the Same guy, how'd he pull it off? Appear, then go away and come back with a new look?" Sam says.

       "Cacao, the, uh, the – the maize God – was Mayan, right?" Asks Dean.

       "Yeah." Sam says.

       "The Maya were all about war and torture and conquest... and sports. It says, "Their athletes were treated like kings." The Mayan jocks made sacrifices to Cacao by – ready for this?" Dean asks. "– killing a victim, pulling out his heart, and eating it. They believed the rituals gave them super-charged power over their opponents."

       "Yeah, but they didn't stay young forever. So, what?" Elena asks.

       "Maybe Brick just made some kind of deal with this Cacao?" Sam asks.

       "Well, we've seen it before – people making deals with demons, gods. I mean, maybe he stayed young and strong so long as the sacrifices kept coming." Dean says. "Remember all that antique sports equipment he had? This guy could go back to the Mayan days."

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