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Inside the cabin, Dean and Elena have just finished taking a shower, and are each only wearing towels as the nuzzle against each other and slow dance with no music. After a moment, Elena wrinkles her nose curiously.

"Do you smell something?" She asks.

"Hmm. Sam's cooking."

"Is that bacon?" Elena asks.

"Yeah, or some dog he abducted from a nearby village." Dean jokes.

Elena giggles. "Hey. Shh, he can hear us." She says.

"No he can't." Dean says. "Besides, Sam knows how to block certain sounds out."

Elena smiles and starts looking around for her clothes. "Have you seen my t-shirt?" She asks.

"I prefer you without one." Dean says.

"I'm not so sure your brother would feel the same way." Elena says.

"Sam won't mind." Dean says. "It's not like he hasn't seen it before. You guys were in a relationship for three years."

Elena looks around. "Really Dean, where's my clothes?" She asks.

"I hid them." Dean says smiling as he gets dressed in his own clothes.

Elena playfully smacks him on the arm. "Go get them!" She yells.

"Sorry." Dean says as he quickly leaves the room.

"Dean!" Elena yells. "If you don't get your ass back here you're dead!"

Dean shuts the door behind him and begins laughing. Sam emerges from the kitchen with a confused look on his face. "What happened in there? I heard yelling." Sam says.

"I hid her clothes in our room." Dean says, still laughing.


Dean sighs. "Fine. I'll go get 'em." He says. "But you gotta admit, it's funny."

"I'm gonna kill you Dean!" Elena yells from the bathroom.

Sam smirks. "Alright it's kind of funny." He says. Dean goes into a room and emerges with a stack of clothes. He shows them to Sam before knocking on the bathroom door. It opens and Dean reaches in to give Elena her clothes. She shoves him out and closes the door.

"You gotta love her." Dean says and goes back to the room. He looks at all of Elena's clothes messily placed on the bed and shakes his head. "And then you gotta deal with this."

Dean grabs all of her clothes and finds her duffel bag to put them in. When he picks it up, he drops her purse in the process. All of the contents spill out on the floor. Dean spots some things.

"What the hell?" He says and storms into the kitchen where Sam is eating. "You're not gonna believe this."

"Are you gonna eat?" Sam asks. "Because I spent two hours making this breakfast."

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