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        Dean and Sam rush in, Dean carrying a bloody Elena in his arms. "Help! We need some help over here!" He yells as a African American male Doctor runs up to them.

       "What happened?" He asks.

       "Uh...were mugged and the robber stabbed her." Sam says.

       "Alright." The Doctor says. "Nurses, put this young lady on a gurney and bring her to an operating room!"

       Two Nurses come by with a gurney and Dean places Elena gently on it. They push Elena down the hallway as Dean and Sam follow. The Doctor stops them both. "You can't enter the operating room." He says.

      "She's my girlfriend." Dean says.

       "I'm sorry, but no one is allowed to enter." The Doctor says and leaves along with the Nurses. After he leaves, Dean puts his hands on his head and begins pacing.

       "Dean, this isn't good." Sam says.

        "You think I don't know that?" Dean asks. "I was right about everything, about us losing everyone that we care about because of the job."

       Sam touches Dean on the shoulder. "She'll make it, Dean. You have to believe that." He says.

       "Where is she?" Someone yells. Sam and Dean turn around to see Caroline storming down the hallway. "Elena!" She walks down the hallway and looks into the operating room. "No."

       Sam grabs Caroline from the door

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       Sam grabs Caroline from the door. "We can't go in there." He says.

        "I came here as soon as you called." She says and touches her lips. "How did this happen?"

       "I don't know, she must've gotten stabbed by one of those demons." Dean says. "If I even see one black eyed son of a bitch, I'm ganking it, no hesitation."

       "Is she gonna be okay?" Caroline asks.

       "We don't know." Says Sam.

        Later, Dean is standing in Elena's recovery room with the Doctor. Dean watches his girlfriend in her hospital bed with a sad look on his face. "What's up, Doc?" Asks Dean.

       "Well, she has lost a substantial amount of blood in the lower abdomen." The Doctor says. "It doesn't look good."

       "But you can save her, right?" Dean asks.

       "We'll try everything we can, but we can't promise anything."

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