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Noah, Cindy, and Alice are sitting there, all look upset. We hear a door close as Dean and Sam enter. "What was that thing?" Noah asks.

"It was a Hellhound. See, when you sell your soul to a demon, they're the ones that come and rip it out of you." Dean says.

"Demon?" Alice asks.

"Crowley. Poncey guy, about yea big, mountain of dicks. We know he was here 10 years ago, making dreams come true." Dean says. "Now, if you didn't sign, great. That freak out there won't touch you. But if you did, I need to know, and I need to know now. So, hands up."

"So, wait. T-the British guy was a demon, and now there's a Hellhound after us?" Noah asks. "A-are you insane?"

"They're obviously insane." Cindy says.

"Don't play dumb." Sam says.

"Yeah. I'm not playing. I didn't sell my damn soul."

"Well, somebody did, and the sooner that idiot owns up, the sooner the rest of you can go." Dean says as Cindy and Alice look around. "All right, seal 'em in."

"Yeah." Sam says.

"What?!" Alice yells.

"Look, I'm gonna spread goofer dust around the doors, the windows." Sam says. "That will keep the Hellhound out... for a while."

"What is that—how long?" Noah asks.

"Long enough for me to stab it in its throat." Dena says.

Noah sighs. "No way. No way. You can't do this. You can't—" He starts.

"Yes, I can. You want to know why? Because it's what I do. And, buddy, I'm the best." Dean says. "See, I gut old yeller out there, and maybe—just maybe—you walk away. I don't—you're meat. So, sit down." He points his gun at Noah. "...shut up... And put these on." He holds up a pair of handcuffs.

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We see Dean's hand pouring a line of goofer dust, then Sam's hands as he handcuffs everyone else. "I don't...Who are you people?" Alice asks.

"We're here to help." Sam says.

"Like you helped Margie?" Noah asks.

"When the Hellhound gets close, you might start seeing things, hearing things." Sam says. "It's gonna feel like you took the brown acid, and it's trying to kill you. The handcuffs are so you won't hurt yourselves."

"And when one of you starts bugging out, we'll know who's on tap to be puppy chow." Dean walks away.

Dean spreads goofer dust. Sam comes up behind him. "So...what's our play?" Asks Sam.

"Well, you camp here, figure out who whored their soul. I'm gonna go scout the grounds–see if I can't gank Huckleberry Hound before he makes his next move." Dean says.

"Wait, you're not going alone, Dean. I'm gonna come with you." Sam says.


"Uh, they're on lockdown, and you need backup." Says Sam.

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do." Sam says.

"No, I need you to be safe, Sam, okay? That's what I need." Dean says.

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