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       Jeff's body lies on the floor, covered with a bloodstained sheet. Dean, Elena and Sam, dressed in their FBI suits, walk over to it. "So, first the mom goes "Natural Born Killer," and now the son? Well, what do we got – a ghost with an Oedipus complex?" Dean asks and Sam looks at him. "I don't know what that means."

       "Check that out." Sam points to the refrigerated cabinet, upon which "Sussex" is written in blood.

       "'Sussex' What is that, another name?" Elena asks.

       "I don't know." Sam says. Garth, who is wearing his Ranger jacket and a baseball cap, finishes talking to a Sheriff and turns to the group. "Hey, what'd the cops say?"

       "Aw, come on." Garth has stepped in green goo. "Not much. Uh, Scott insisted he wasn't in control of himself. Says all he remembers is a red-hot rage."

       "So, what is this, some – some kind of family curse?" Sam asks.

       "Is that Bobby's hat?" Dean asks.

       "Oh, yeah. Sure is. We worked a rugaru case together a few years back. He left it in my car, so I kept it as a..." Garth says as Dean takes the cap from his head. "...memento. What are you doing?"

      "That's not how you wear it." Dean says and Elena gives him a look.

      "Gentlemen, surveillance is up..." Garth says as Dean tucks the cap under his jacket. "...but something is all screwy with it."

      Security footage of Scott stabbing Jeff with the shovel plays on a television screen on the wall. Scott's head is obscured by white light and there is a white line across the screen. "Must be the camera." The Deputy says.

      "Yeah, thank you, there, Deputy." Garth says.

        "You guys see the head? Ever seen anything like that before?" Dean asks.

       "Like that? No way."

       "So?" Sam asks.

       "So..." Dean says.

       "So, I'm thinking we need to talk to Sara Alcott. I found her – although these days, she goes by Sara Brown." Garth says.

        "How about this? I'll check her out, and you two see what you can find out about Sussex."

        "Word." Garth says.

        "Awesome." Dean says and Sam looks pleased as he leaves.

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        Sam and Sara are sitting in chairs on the porch. Sam is drinking iced tea. "Mmm." He hums.

      "Now, I know you didn't come all this way for my sweet tea, Agent." Sara says.

       "No. Um, actually, I'm – I'm here about Chester Lew." Sam says.

       "Oh, yes. So sad."

       "It is. Is it true you and Chester... dated a ways back?" Asks Sam.

        "Well, that is an odd question for the FBI, isn't it?" Sara asks.

       "You wouldn't believe the awkward questions I've had to ask people."

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