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Charlie, Elena and Dean are walking along a path. Boltar comes towards them. "My queen. There you are. I've been searching everywhere for you. Has this... oaf attempted to harm you with his blasphemous metalworks?" He says.

"Boltar, he's with me. This is my new... handmaiden." Charlie says. "And my lady in waiting." Boltar nods to Dean. "We seek an audience with the Shadow King."

"Uh, these hills are not safe. I beseech you, my queen, you should return to camp." Boltar says.

"He's right... your worshipfulness. Uh, may I have a moment before you take your leavings?" Dean asks.


Dean and Charlie walk a short distance away. "Handmaiden?" He asks.

"He was suspicious. I panicked."

"All right, look. You take my phone. Find Sam. We'll find the shadow dorks." He says.

"But I can help." Charlie says.

"Yeah, you are helping by finding Sam. Go." Dean says and Charlie walks away. "Lead the way to the Orcs, Bolty."

"Speak when spoken to, handmaiden." Boltar walks in the opposite direction to Charlie and Dean and Elena follow him.

Charlie is walking along the path through the forest. She puts Dean's phone into a pouch hanging from her belt. The camera angle changes as if we are seeing Charlue through the eyes of someone hiding in the trees behind her. She hears rustling and looks around, but continues to walk. She hears another noise and turns around.

A figure in a black cloak disappears behind a tree. Charlie resumes walking and the Cloaked Figure follows her. She hears another noise and turns around again, and it disappears behind another tree. Charlie looks in different directions. She turns around to find the Figure right behind her.

The Cloaked Figure, who had fake Orc teeth, growls and throws a black bean bag at Charlie, who ducks. She smiles, takes a red bean bag out of her pouch and throws it at the Figure, hitting him in the face. "Ohh!"

"Dark magic!" Charlie yells.

"Ohh! My eyes! The stinging of your attack burns my very soul!" The Cloaked Figure growls and runs away, flailing his arms. Charlie smiles as she watches him go, then turns around.

Immediately in front of her is an imposing figure in a black cloak with a stag skull head. She gasps and fumbles for a red bean bag, which she throws at the Stag Skull Figure. "Dark magic?" She asks. The Skull Figure raises its arms under its cloak. Charlie gasps and closes her eyes.

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