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Dean comes around the corner in a darkened warehouse, gun drawn. He brings his gun up but it's struck down. Castiel appears over him. "No, Cass. No!" Dean raises his hand towards Cass, but he breaks his wrist and we hear the bone snap. Dean groans in pain. "No, Cass, don't." Castiel looms over him and raises his angel blade. "Please."

Castiel buries the weapon into Dean's chest and Dean chokes. Castiel wrenches the blade from Dean's chest as Dean falls back, dead. We hear the click of switches and the buzz of electricity as the lights come on. Naomi walks into the room.

"No hesitation. Quick. Brutal." She and Castiel stare down at Dean. "Everything's back in order." She smiles at Castiel. "Finally." We see a close-up of Cass, his face expressionless. "You're ready."

The POV pulls back from Dean to where we can see the entire floor of the warehouse covered with bodies in various positions, all bloodied, all dead, all Dean.


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We see a close-up of large wooden boxes, we see a pair of hands reaching into a box and pull out a smaller rectangular box with a glass lid. It is the tip of a spear.

"What the hell is this?" Dean sighs and reads the contents of the box. "Spear of Destiny? What is this–God's toothpick?" We see Sam in the control room typing away on his laptop. "You know, would it have killed these asshats to label these boxes in something other than hieroglyphics? It's ridiculous."

Dean picks up a small box, opens it and lifts out an object. He turns it over in his hands. We look over Sam's shoulder to see Dean in the Men of Letter's library, table covered with large wooden and cardboard boxes.

"Hey. You listening to me?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. It's, uh..." Sam clears his throat. "Fascinating stuff." We see Dean opening another smaller box, looks like a Faberge egg. "You should probably, uh, write it all down in your journal for the archives, you know?" He clears his throat again.

"Yeah, thanks. You're a lot of help." Dean takes the ornate red and gold egg out of the box, opens it, sniffs it. Sam coughs in the background. "Hey, Doc Holliday, you all right over there?"

"Uh, yeah." Sam coughs into a napkin, pulls it away, it's bloody. "Um..." He clears his throat. "I'm fine." He throws the bloody napkin into the trashcan. "Just, uh, wrong pipe." Sam takes a drink from his glass, gives another cough.

Dean is still sorting and pulls out a folder that contains an old magazine titled "Voluptuous Asian Lovelies." He chuckles at the picture of the Asian woman on the cover holding a paper parasol. "Well, hello." He flips through the old p0rn magazine. "These Men of Letters weren't so boring after all. Konnichiwa." Said in Japanese to a page entitled "Appreciation of Asian Lovelies." "Hey, check this out." Dean walks down into the control room holding the magazine for Sam to see.

"Dude, what is wrong with you?" Sam asks.

"What's wrong with me? You kidding me? This is a first edition, dude." Dean says. We get an overhead shot of Sam sitting at the laminated map table. "You know what this would go for on eBay?"

"No. Why? Do you?" Asks Sam.

"No. Maybe. Shut up. You find anything?" Dean sits sideways at the map table.

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