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Dean enters, carrying a duffel bag. He calls out to Sam as he walks towards the "Bat Cave" room, where Sam is sitting in front of his laptop at a table and Elena sitting next to him. "Hey!" Dean yells.

"Hey! So... how's Kevin doing?" Sam asks.

"You know. He's okay, I guess. In his corner, hacking out his Da Vinci code – nothing actionable yet." Dean takes a beer out of the refrigerator. "Garth says hi, by the way. Anything from Cas?"

Sam smiles. "No. Not – not a peep. Why? You?" He asks.

"No, he's, uh – he's not answering." Dean says.

"Right. Well, uh, so I have been..." Sam sits down opposite him. "...trying to chart out the Letters' network of hunters, their allies, uh, affiliated groups they worked with, kept files on..."

"Circa 1958?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. True. Uh, most are dead or defunct, but others – I'm not so sure, and this one... you should definitely check out." Sam puts a file with the Aquarian Star symbol on it in front of Dean.

"The Judah Initiative?" Dean asks.

"European team – they were active during World War II." Sam says.

"Really? Hunters fighting in a war – that's cool." Says Dean.

"Not exactly hunters, n-not exactly fighting, but, uh..." Elena says.

"Rabbis? Rabbis?" Dean asks and Sam nods. "Really?" He looks at a photograph of a group of men in the file.

"The Letters' file on them is – is sketchy, but, apparently, they were hard-core saboteurs. So, we ran a search on the Initiative's entire roster, and I got a hit – one Rabbi Isaac Bass." Sam says. "He was 17 years old when he joined the Initiative and 85 years old when he died... two weeks ago." He turns his laptop towards Dean. "In a college town back east, he was capped."

"'Capped'?" Dean says. The headline of the Wilkes-Barre Monitor article on the laptop screen reads "Freak Accident on Campus."

"Yeah. He was there doing research, and according to eyewitnesses, he spontaneously combusted." Sam says.

"So... this is a case?" Dean asks and Sam raises his eyebrows. Dean looks around the room as if he doesn't want to leave. "I just got back."

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The Impala stops for a moment and Sam gets out, then it drives off. "So you... worked with the late Rabbi Bass?" The Librarian asks.

Sam, wearing jeans, a jacket and a vest, stands at the counter talking to the same Librarian who spoke to Rabbi Bass. Elena is also there wearing faux glasses. "I was a research associate of Rabbi Bass, yes. I'm trying to complete his last paper for publication. I'd just like to review what he was after here." He says.

"Well, that would be quite a lot of material. He was here open to close for almost a week."

"Wow. Um, how about just the stuff he was looking at... you know, the day he, uh... caught fire?" Sam asks.

"Does shorten the list a bit."

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