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Sam and Dean are going over Kevin's notes. "Hmm." Sam looks at another page. "There it is again, every time."

"Hmm?" Dean asks.

"This symbol? I know it. Now, Kevin has it down as, as sort of like a signature, for the Scribe of God." Sam says. "It appears every time Metatron makes one of his, uh, like, editor's notes."

"Okay...?" Dean asks.

"But I think I've seen it before. I mean, it was a long time ago, it was one of my, uh, humanities courses at Stanford." Sam says.

"They taught Word of God at Stanford?"

"No, uh, it was an overview of Native American art — I think it's a petroglyph." Sam says.

"A petro-what-now?"

Sam slams a book onto the table and points to the symbol. "This one belonged to a tiny tribe in Colorado, more of a— a clan, really. It says here they held on to their scrap of mountains when all the other tribes fell to the white men. So this glyph was a territorial marker — closest translation: 'messenger of God'." Sam says. "Messenger of God. Messenger of God — Dean, we have to go there!"

"On that hunch?" Dean asks. "You can barely function."

"I'm only gonna get worse. I mean, until we get back to the real job, until we find the third trial — we're out of prophets!" Sam yells. "We're not gonna figure out what Kevin couldn't! I'd say we go to this messenger of God who wrote it in the first place!"

"And you think this Metatron is hiding out in the mountains with a bunch of Indians." Dean says.

"Yeah! Yeah, I do." Sam says. "You're not— you're not really supposed to say Indians, it's... We should go." He walks off.

"You're delirious." Dean says.

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Castiel still sits at the table, while the scenery behind him changes rapidly. He looks down at his coffee cup; the table is smeared with blood. He surveys the restaurant, which is now littered with bloody bodies.

"You have to stop." Kara says as Cass turns to look at her. Kara lies crumpled against one of the booths, her eyes having been burned out. "They said you have to stop."

"No." He says.

"They said you have to stop." Kara says.

Castiel moves over to her. "No." He says.

"Just stop... you have to stop..." Kara says.


"You have to stop." Kara says as Cass reaches out to heal her. "They said you have to stop." Ion and the other Angel appear behind Castiel. Ion presses his angel blade to Castiel's throat. "You have to stop."

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Sam and Dean pull up in the Impala and enter. "Nice place." Dean says. They walk up to the desk. He rings the bell. The Hotel Manager enters. "Morning. Hi. Uh, we'd like a room? Here, please." Sam wanders off while Dean signs in. From Sam's PoV, we see his vision blurring and there's a ringing noise.

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