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It's raining outside. A toy plane hangs in a window and other toys, including a gun, a yo-yo and another plane, line the dresser. A Boy is asleep in bed. The camera pans out and we see that a Man wearing a hat and coat stands watching him.

The Man sits down on the bed and pulls the covers up around the Boy, who wakes. "Hey, sport. Sorry about that." He says.

"Where are you going?" The Boy asks.

"Work. I just wanted to check on you before I left." The Man says.

"What's that, pops?" The camera focuses on a pin bearing a unicursal hexagram symbol that the Man is wearing on his tie.

"One day, I'll tell you all about it. Now get some shut-eye. See you first thing in the morning." The Man lifts a music box from a small bedside table and winds it. It plays "As Time Goes By." The Man turns off the light and walks to the door. "Good night, son." He closes the door behind him.

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The Man walks down the street past a jeweler's and a supper club. He stops at a door and knocks twice, then once, then three times. The door opens and he enters. "Good evening, sir." Lightning flashes and we see that the symbol from the Man's pin is carved into the door.

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The Man walks down a hallway. A Woman in evening dress is sitting on a bench by a stained-glass window. She stands and he takes off his hat. The Man smiles. "Josie. No one told me this initiation was a formal affair." He says.

"Well, someone had to class up the joint, right, Henry?" She adjusts the pin on his tie.

"Ain't that the truth?" Henry asks.

"The hard part's over, right? We made it." Josie says. A Man wearing a hooded cape opens a door. The symbol from Henry's tie pin and the front door is on his cape.

"Ms. Sands?"

Henry smiles at Josie and nods slightly towards the door. Josie walks to the door and pauses to look back at Henry, who smiles again. She walks into the room and the door closes behind her. Henry takes off his hat and coat and sits down in front of the stained-glass window.

Suddenly screaming, loud banging and a voice speaking in Latin can be heard from behind the closed door. Henry hurries into the room, where he finds two men wearing capes dead on the floor in pools of blood. A second is standing in front of Josie, speaking loudly in Latin.

"Secura tibi facias libertate. Servire, te rogamus, audi nos!"

A Third Man wearing the hooded cape speaks to Henry from the floor. His eyes are bleeding. "Henry. Do not let Abaddon get it." He hands Henry a small wooden box upon which is carved the symbol.

Abaddon grabs the second Man, who is still attempting to exorcise her, by the throat. "That's impossible! How?" Abaddon, her eyes black, screams and snaps the Second Man's neck. Her eyes return to normal. Henry runs from the room and Abaddon, her dress bloodstained, walks after him.

Henry enters a room in which there are ingredients in glass beakers, and locks the door behind him. Abaddon walks down the hallway. Henry takes ingredients from a shelf. Abaddon flings out a hand and telekinetically opens a door.

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