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"So, these dreams James is having–he thinks that they're real?" Dean asks. "He thinks that he is actually killing people?" 

"I think so. At least that's what I picked up before he started blocking me." Portia says.

"What does that mean, blocking you?" Sam asks.

"Familiars and their masters–we can communicate telepathically. I can get inside of James' head anytime I want. But he shut me out."

"So, what, you think maybe there's something in there he doesn't want you to see?" Sam asks.

"Possibly, yeah–something dark, you know, that's destroying him." Portia says. "He can't go to the police, and he doesn't trust other witches."

"But he trusts us? You do know who we are, right?" Dean asks. "We're the last people that somebody like James needs to be telling his troubles to."

"This was my idea. I was the one who sent you the text under James' name. He doesn't know you're here. But...I think you're maybe all he has.

[ ☾]

A blind man is walking through the park on the sidewalk using his white cane. A man is standing off to the side in the grass . The blindman hears the person rustling around. "Someone there?" He asks. James is suddenly right next to him and he grabs the Blindman with one hand.

James is seen choking the man so hard that he tears through his skin and the Blindmans' blood splatters allover his' face. James wakes up in his bed again terrified and shaking.

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James and Portia are having an argument in a room off camera. "You had no right to do this." He says.

"I was afraid for your life!" Portia yells. The camera pans around the living room and you see Dean sitting in a chair and Sam sitting on a couch and listening to the argument between James and Portia.

"My life is none of their business!"

Portia as a dog walks out of the room they are arguing in and looks at the brothers. Sam cocks his head and Dean smiles and waves casually. She walks off camera James walks out of the room looking disheveled and stops a couple feet from where Sam and Dean are sitting. Sam and Dean stand up.

"Sam, Dean." James says.

"Witchcraft, James? Really? What the hell are you thinking?" Dean asks.

"You come to help or pile on?"

"I'm just saying, you screw with that stuff, you're gonna fry your wiring." Dean says.

"All right. Look, why don't you tell us about these dreams?" Sam asks. "She said people were dying in them. James "Dying"? They were torn to bits. I, uh, I could feel my fingers ripping into their flesh."

"But they were dreams?" Dean asks.

"Well, I, uh, woke up in my bed."

"Okay, so...Dreams?" Sam asks.

"I'm not so sure." James says.

"Not helping, James."

"Those people–they died. I checked with the precinct." Says James.

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