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Dean walks in and over to the front desk countert o talk to the Hotel Clerk. "Ahh. Nice to see you again." The Clerk says. Dean starts to take money out of his wallet.

"Yeah, I bet. Listen, I need to know who, uh, checked into room 215 yesterday." Dean sets $60 on the counter and the Clerk starts counting it. He shuffles through the money.

"215. It was some guy wearing a hoodie, so it was hard to make out his face."

"He drive a blue van, by any chance?" Dean asks.

"Do I look like a valet? He took one of those." The Clerk gestures to the mass of brochures lining the wall to his right.

Dean walks over and looks at the brochures intently. "Which one?" He asks.

"The one that says 'lodge' on it."

"'Conway Springs Lodge'." Dean says.

"Yep, big during the summer season. But this time of year, it's closed." He says.

"How far away is it from here?" Dean asks.

"Oh, it's a couple miles down the road."

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Sam is walking outside the blue van and looking inside the driver's window. It's is empty. Sam and Victor walk towards the back of the van and down the street to locate the driver.

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Dean is driving the Impala up to a camping hotel and he passes a wooden sign that reads "Conway Springs Lodge" on it. A smaller sign hangs bellow it that reads "CLOSED FOR THE SEASON" He parks the Impala next to the sign and cuts off the engine.

Dean gets out of the car and looks around to see if anyone is around and then begins walking up the buildings to his front. He slides his machete out of a sheath from his left side as he walks up to a door that's cracked open already.

He opens the door a little more and grabs a flashlight out of his pocket with his right hand and shines it in the doorway. He then pushes his way into the building and walks in slowly shining his flash light around showing a large stuffed bear.

Dean continues to walk around the very large room shining his flashlight in different spots as he goes until he shines it on a girl who is sitting on the bottom of a bunk bed. "Hey! Who the hell are you?!" He asks.

It's the same girl from the photo Victor showed Sam and the kids back at the house and she looks scared, weak and dirty. The Girl shies away from the light and starts sobbing.

"Answer me!" Dean yells.

"Please make it go away. It hurts so much." She says.

"What? Wha..." Dean sees a light switch on the wall and walks over and flips the lights on.

"No, shut them off! They're too bright!" The Girl yells.

"Not till you tell me what the hell's going on here." Dean says.

"I don't know!" The girl suddenly has vampire teeth pop out and she brings her hands up to her face to feel them. "Aah! What's happening to me?"

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