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Dean opens a book as Sam grabs books from the shelves. Dean sips scotch and Shane pulls a book off the shelf and sits down to read. The three are doing serious research. "Here we go." Dean says.

"What you got?" Elena asks.

"Dragon penis." Dean says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Ancient Greek hunter by the name of Drakopoolos." Dean says.Near as I can tell, he was a badass whose name, incidentally, is Greek–"

"No, no, no. I got that." Sam says as Dean gives him the book. "Thanks, Ace."

"Hey." Dean says as Hayley comes into the library. "How's the, uh... Is the kid?"

"He's fine." She looks at the four researchers. "Oh, please, keep going."

"Right, so, uh, Drakopoolos tangled with Zeus back in the day, and the Men of Letters translated his journal." Dean says.

"The Men of Letters?" Shane asks.

"It's a secret society. This is actually their lair. We're legacies." Dean says, but no one looks impressed. "No big deal."

"Okay. So, it says here he summoned Zeus into a trap and found out how to kill him." Sam says.

"What's that?" Shane asks.

"Wood from a tree struck by lightning." Dean says.

"Right. So, it says we need two things for the summon–frozen energy from the hand of Zeus, and the bone of a worshipper."

"Frozen energy–you thinking fulgurite?" Dean asks.

"Well, it makes sense." Elena says.

"All right. You get on the web, see if there's any Greeks nearby that are still worshipping the Old Gods." Dean says.

"On it." Sam says.

"W-what about the wood? Is that easy to find?"

"With a little bit of luck." Dean says.

"Oh. Wait–t-this journal just ends." She has been reading the journal.

"What do you mean?" Elena asks.

"I mean, how do we know if Drako-whatever survived?" Hayley asks. "How do we know Zeus didn't get to him?"

"We don't know." Sam says.

"How do we know this is going to work?" Hayley asks.

"We never know for sure, but these books–they're, uh, they're pretty good."

"So, we're hanging our lives on the writings of a dead man who...is named after genitalia." She says.

"It's a loose translation." Dean says.


"All right. Listen to this. Greek pagans two towns over. Best part?" Sam asks. "They have an obit page with cemeteries."

"All right. You two are on grave duty. We'll handle the B&E." Dean says.

"We'll be in touch." Sam says as he and Shane get up to leave. "Hey." Dean tosses the Impala keys to Sam who snatches it out of the air. They exit.

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