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Ajay walks back to his yellow cab carrying pizza. He gets into the vehicle. "Hello, Ajay." Crowley is in the back seat. "It's been a while since we chatted–too long." He says.

"Pizza? Extra anchovies." Ajay sees Crowley in the rearview mirror, holds up the plate of food.

"Anything you want to get off your chest? An update?"

"Um... No. No, not really." Says Ajay.

"As you may recall, patience isn't one of my virtues. Well, I don't have any virtues, but if I did, I'm certain that patience wouldn't be one." Crowley says. "So, sure there's nothing weighing on you? Nothing, say, about making a deal with the Winchesters?"

"Sir, I know better than to attempt that."

"My operative saw you leaving with Sam Winchester." Crowley says.

"Oh! Oh, Sam Winchester. Oh, yes, that's, uh... A possibility." Ajay says.

"You're trying my non-patience."

"Sir, I was just doing what I do. As you are more than aware, I do occasionally–moonlight as a freelancer." He says.

"You do not freelance with them. What did Sam want?" Crowley asks.

"Well, uh, actually, it's, uh, starting to come back. He may have wanted to get into Hell."

"My Hell? Why would he want to do that?" Crowley asks.

"I don't know. I swear. My job–I don't ask questions."

"And what time is Mr. Winchester due back from Hell?" Crowley asks.

"Uh, I'm picking him up in... Well, now 17 hours." Ajay says.

"I see. Anything else?"

"No. I swear." He says.

"Hmm." Crowley stabs Ajay right through the seat the taxi driver is sitting on, the blade coming out through his chest. "That's one fare you won't be collecting."

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Sam is walking through the forest. He hears a branch snap. He's suddenly attacked. They wrestle, both are on the ground. Sam shoves his attacker away, grabs the monster's weapon and beheads it. He picks up the demon-killing knife and continues on still carrying the Purgatory weapon.

He finds where the three trees meet as one and the rocks. He pulls a large rock away and there's blast of air coming through the opening showing a tunnel. "It's a rabbit hole. This is nuts." Sam picks up the Purgatory weapon and is sucked into the tunnel.


Sam appears in a dark corridor, he grimaces as he pulls himself out of the opening. Sounds echo in the distance. He takes off his watch, places it on a high ledge. The Purgatory weapon at the ready, he heads down the corridor, everything is tinged in red.

The corridor is arched, there are bodies chained to the walls. Souls cry, moan, and scream. "I'm... innocent. Help me." A Woman is chained, all bloody and burned, appears to be standing right in a lit fireplace.

"Eddy? Eddy?" A Man holds his hands out to Sam through the bars on the door to his cell, a huge hook covers his face. "Eddy? Eddy?"

"You came. I knew you would. I've been praying for it forever." A young woman, pretty, pleads with Sam. "You came. I knew you would. I've been praying for it forever."

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