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        Sam is using his laptop on the bed. Dean and Elena enter carrying a drink and take-out food. They are all now in casual clothes. "Hey." Dean says.

        "Hey." Says Sam. "Arthur Swenson had an eye transplant a year ago, right?"

       "Yeah." Dean says.

       "Well, I remembered that Paul Hayes was talking about a health scare he had a year ago that changed his life, so I pulled up his medical records from Minneapolis." Says Sam. There is a long pause as Dean looks at him. "You want me on board, I'm on board. Anyways, you want to guess who else, other than Arthur Swenson, had a transplant in the last year?"

       "Paul Hayes?" Asks Elena.

       "I gave it away, didn't I?"

       "Okay, so we've got two suspects in two identical murders in two different cities that both had organ transplants a year ago." Dean says.

       "Yeah. Also..." Sam starts.

       "I love when there's an 'also'." Says Dean.

       "I got to thinking about all that stuff Arthur Swenson was talking about. Maybe your translation app called it "language unknown" because it's a dead language, like ancient Greek or Manx."

      "Manx?" Asks Dean.

       "So I e-mailed an audio file of Arthur's mumbling to Dr Morrison."

       "Who?" Elena asks.

       "Dr Morrison, the anthropology Professor who helped us out with the Amazons."

      "Yes, okay. Okay. Well, let's get our asses on the road." Dean says.

      "Headed to...?" Asks Sam.

       "Well, if we are in a repeat of a cycle from six months ago, then, after the murders in Minneapolis and in Ames, the next heart attack was in Boulder, Colorado."

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       A Man is leaning against a wall in an alley outside a strip club. A Woman in high platform heels and a tight black dress comes outside. "Randa?" The Man asks.

       "Chick, right?" She asks.

       "Loved your performance tonight. Must take, uh, must take years of training."

        Randa laughs briefly. "Actually, uh... I'm kind of a natural." She takes Chick's arm and they walk.

       "Um... You know, I don't normally do this kind of thing." He says.


       "Um, there's just..." Chick starts as Randa pushes him around a corner. "...just something about you."

       Randa pushes Chick against the wall. She pulls his shirt back, bends her knees and presses herself against his body as she straightens up, then plunges a hand into his chest. With her other hand, she puts a finger to his lips.

       "Shh." Randa pulls out his heart. He drops to the ground.

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       Dean is driving and Sam is in the passenger seat with Elena napping in the back. "All right, case is coming together. Things are coming together, man. You and me. It is all good." Dean says, but Sam doesn't respond. "Hey."

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