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"You bed down in here. Breakfast is at 5:00, dinner is at 8:00, and in between, you're mine. Questions?" Ellie asks.

"I miss my room." Dean says.

"We're good." Sam says.

"Okay. Job is yours if you want it. But I better warn you–it's crap work."

Later, Dean is shoveling manure. A horse whinnies. "Crap–she literally meant crap." He grunts and dumps shovel of manure into a wheelbarrel. Dean walks over to a horse with its head hanging out of the stall. "I hate you."

"I don't care." A Woman says. "Do I look like a hippie?" We see Ellie and the Woman at the barn's entrance having a heated discussion.

"Organic food is better for the cattle." Ellie says.

"My land, my animals, my money, my way–end of story." The Woman says and Ellie sighs.

"She's a real piece of work, huh?" Dean asks.

"Alice Cassity's a piece of something, all right?" Ellie says. "But what are we gonna do? She's the boss."

"Drink?" Dean offers and Ellie walks away.

"So, what are we thinking?" Sam asks.

"What, dealwise? Well, Ellie's the help, so that rules her out." Dean says.

"And Carl doesn't really seem like the sell-your-soul type. So, Alice?" Sam asks.


"Should we talk to her?" Asks Sam.

"Why? So she can lie to us and then call the cops? No." Dean says. "No, we're gonna have to go stalker on this one, Sammy."

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Carl and Alice are sitting outside having dinner. Holding hands, drinking wine. "The whole horse?" Carl asks.

"Oh, yes." Alice says.


"Yes." Alice says and they both laugh. "What does she–" An animal howls in distance and a horse whinnies.

"Just a wolf." Carl says.

"Yeah. Probably spooked the hell out of the horses." Alice says. "I should check on them."

"Well, all right." Carl chuckles. "Hurry back."

"Okay." Alice says.

We hear insects chirping. Sam and Dean watch close by, then walk back inside the house. Alice is walking towards barn, a horse winnies, an animal howls in the distance. Another horse neighs.

Meanwhile, Carl is eating. He hears an animal growling close by. We see  a Hellhound's POV. It attacks Carl and he tumbles backwards in his chair. "No!" There's a spray of blood as Carl dies.

 "No!" There's a spray of blood as Carl dies

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