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Kevin Tran rolls over in bed. Clock shows 5:00. He shuts off the alarm clock. Kevin gets up, crosses date off the calendar, 11 January 2013. He moves down the stairs into the main compartment on the boat. Pours a cup of coffee. Sits at the table, puts on head phones, picks up the ancient tablet, it shakes in his hands.

Kevin stands at the stove frying a hotdog, it's sizzling. He's sitting at the table, holding the tablet, rubs his head. He opens a large container of aspirin, shakes out some pills, drinks coffee, makes a notation from the tablet. Gets up from the chair, places a note on a wall that is covered with notes. He falls into bed at 2:45. Time switches from 4:59 to 5:00. The alarm blares.

Kevin turns off the alarm, frowns at the clock. He's wearing the same clothing, looks a bit grungy. He crosses 12 January 2013 off the calendar. He pours coffee into a cup. At the stove, frying a hotdog while eating another hotdog. We hear the hotdog sizzling. He's holding the tablet in both hands, the tablet shakes. He rubs his temples, takes more aspirin. Makes more notes, sticks another note on the wall. Face plants on the bed at 2:45. Time switches from 4:59 to 5.00.

The alarm blares, then stops. He is wearing the same clothing. He crosses 31 January 2013 off on the calendar. The scene speeds up. It's the same, coffee, aspirin, tablet, notes, sticks note on wall, eats hotdog. Face plants into bed at 2:45.

Alarm goes off, stops. Still wearing the same clothing, looking very dirty and unkempt. Crosses 7 February 2013 off the calendar, coffee, hotdog, aspirin, puts note on wall. Stares at notes covering wall.

"Holy crap." Kevin breathes rapidly and smiles. "Holy crap!" He starts bleeding from his nose, puts his fingers to a bloody nostril. "Holy crap." He faints and we hear a thud.

Time switches to 5:00. The alarm blares. We see Kevin passed out on the floor, both nostrils bloody.


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We see albums wrapped in plastic placed on a wire rack. We hear paper rustling. We see Dean's hand, he puts down the album, "Led Zeppelin." He repositions a gun on a hook on the walls, pats it twice. Pulls a photo out of his wallet, looks at it.

"Hey, Mom." Dean places the photo showing young Dean and his mother on the light stand that's on the desk, sandwiched between an old tape dispenser and a manual typewriter.

"Dean, where am I supposed to put my stuff?" Elena asks from behind him.

"There's space in here." Dean opens a small drawer and she crosses her arms. "Fine. How about you get this side and I'll get the other." He has split the dresser unevenly.

Elena sighs and shoves his stuff in the middle. "That's not even half." She says.

"Why does it matter?" Asks Dean.

"Because I sleep here too."

"Wow." Dean and Elena turn around. Sam is standing in the doorway. "Not bad."

Dean faces Sam. "Not bad? I haven't had my own room -- ever. I'm making this awesome. I got my kickass vinyl, I've got this killer mattress." He sits on the bed. "Memory foam -- it remembers me." Sam takes a piece of gum out of the wrapper and sticks it into his mouth. "And it's clean, too. There's no funky smell. There's no creepy motel stains." Sam tosses the gum wrapper at the waste basket. He misses the basket. "Really?"

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