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        Dean enters alone. "Where were you?" Sam asks him.

        "I was tending to some unfinished business as you should have." Dean says lamely.

         "Are we still arguing about this?" Sam asks and Dean says nothing. Sam sighs. "So what exactly is this unfinished business?"

        Dean opens the door again and in storms Elena. She immediately steps up to Sam and slaps him across the face...hard. He holds the throbbing spot. "Elena, I didn't know you came back." He says.

       "I never left, you dick." Elena says. "If you would've picked up the phone you would've known that by my thousand and one messages I left you."

      "I'm sorry." Sam says.

       "Yeah, you keep saying that." Elena says. "I'm going to use the bathroom." She mumbles. Sam turns to Dean who just shrugs like nothing happened.

        Dean is going through a box containing phones with Elena. "You want some dinner?" Sam asks them.

        "Pass." Dean puts an earphone into his ear.

       "Okay." Sam stirs something on the stove. Later, he's at the table eating. Dean, who had been listening to phone messages through the headset, turns to look hard at him. "What?" Dean takes out the earphone and puts the phone on speaker.

       "Sam Winchester, it's Kevin Tran. Crowley had me in this warehouse, and I just escaped. I don't know where I am. And I don't know if he or – or any other demons are still after me. I need your help. Call me back. It's Kevin Tran."

       "When was that?" Sam asks as Dean plays another message.

       "Sam Winchester. It's Kevin Tran. I called you a week ago. Call me, please. I don't know what the hell I'm doing out here, man."

        Sam puts down his spoon. "Okay." He stands up. "I get it. So, what, you want to... strategize or something?" Dean plays another message.

       "Sam, it's Kevin. I'm... Whoo! I'm so good."

       "Is he...drunk?" Elena asks and looks at Sam accusingly.

        "Three months since you ditched my ass. Haven't slept for more than four hours a night. It's all good in the hood." Kevin clears his throat. "Uh, if you're still alive, eat me."

       Dean plays another message.

       "Eat me!"

       Dean plays another message.

       "Sam, it's been six months. I can only assume you're dead. If not, don't try and reach me. You won't be able to. I won't be calling this number anymore."

        Dean stands up. "He was our responsibility." He tosses the phone at Sam's chest. "And you couldn't answer the damn phone."

        Even later, Dean is reading on the couch. Sam is using his laptop at the table. "All right, listen to this – Kevin's last message. Listen to the background." Sam says.

        "If not, don't try and reach me. You won't be able to. I won't be calling this number anymore."

        "Hear that?" Asks Sam.

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