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A vehicle comes down country road. The driver is rough looking, curly, scraggy hair, bearded and has a mustache. He's drinking beer while driving. SIGN: ENTERING GREAT FALLS. A man is walking along the side of the road, away from the sign. He's young, handsome, looks fit, light brown shaggy hair, bearded with a mustache. He's wearing a plaid jacket and a henley. We can see his breath in the cold air.

The driver is tired, his eyes keep closing, his head nods. Scene shifts back to the man walking. We see headlights approaching in the background. The man turns around at the sound of the truck. Scene shifts to the man in the vehicle. He jerks awake and drinks more beer. Back to the man walking, the vehicle is getting closer.

The driver nods off again, the vehicle swerves towards the walker. The walker turns around, headlights shine right into his startled eyes. The driver jerks awake just as the truck hits the walker who crashes into the windscreen with a thud. Then he's thrown onto the snow-covered ground and rolls a few times. The driver stops his vehicle.

"Oh God." He exits the truck and walks over to where the man he hit is lying. "Oh, God." The headlights shine on the walker's bloody forehead.

The driver looks around. He stares at the body for a moment, gets back into his truck, and drives away. Now we see the route sign, County Road 89 with the sign ENTERING GREAT FALLS in the background.bClose-up of the man's bloody face. The light brightens into day while we're watching, the man's face is now covered with ice.

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The man is lying on the ground, there's a huge bloody hole on his left side. An eagle is eating, pulling bits out of the hole. A car approaches, patrol lights start flashing. The police car stops a good 15 feet away from the body, the eagle continues to feast pulling bits of bloody flesh out of the hole.

We are treated to a close-up of the eagle standing on the dead man. The police officer exits his car. The bird flies away when the officer slams the car door shut. We hear bird caws.

"Dang it." The Police Officer walks towards the body. We get a close-up of the right side of the dead man's frozen face, the officer checks the body's pulse. Hear police-band chatter in the background. The officer walks away, clicks on his radio. "Dispatch, Seven-Mary-Four -- you got your ears on?"

"Go ahead, Seven-Mary-Four."

"I got a hit and run on 89. He's dead." The Officer says. We hear the police chatter in the background when the dead guy suddenly inhales and his eyes open. The bloody bruising on his forehead fades away quickly.

"What's the condition of the body?"

"Looks like he's frozen solid. Please advise." The man lying on the ground sits up while in the background we see the police officer walking back to the vehicle, still talking.

The officer faces the road sign, then looks down as if he's looking at tire tracks, when he gaze goes back to the body. He looks stunned.

"Seven-Mary-Four, please hold your position. We'll send an ambulance to your location."

"What the hell..." The officer's face shows disbelief, walks back to where the body was, he's looking around, walks further off the road, follows foot prints in the snow that lead into some woods.


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