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Elena wakes up to find Sam sitting on her bed and Caroline in a nearby chair. "Hey, guys. What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" She asks.

"No, nothing's wrong." Sam says. "I just came here to bring you a proper breakfast."

"We came." Caroline says with her arms crossed.

"Actually, Caroline snuck in the car and demanded to take her with me." Sam says, annoyed.

"It's not like you had any better places to be." Caroline says.

Sam turns to her. "Do you enjoy being a bitch?" Sam asks and Elena laughs a little.

"I'm sorry, it's hard for me to show kindness to people who hate me." Caroline says. "I'm not that evolved."

"I never said I hated you. You hate me." Sam says. "But now, maybe it's mutual."

Elena laughs and they both look at her. "You guys fight like an old married couple. It's kind of cute actually." She says.

"Uh, ew." Caroline says.

"So why didn't Dean join you guys?" Elena asks.

"He claimed he was tracking down your friend Kevin." Caroline says. "Personally, I think he's avoiding you after...you know."

"But I'm fine." Elena says. "I'm a fighter."

"Yes you are." Sam says and smiles at Elena while grabbing her hand.

"You guys aren't trying to rekindle an old flame, are you?" Caroline asks.

"It's called being a friend." Sam says. "Maybe you should try it."

"Bite me." Caroline sneers.

"I wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart." Sam says cruelly.

"Anyways." Caroline starts. "I really came here to tell you that I'm going back home."

"Aw, we were having so much fun." Elena says.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out." Sam says and Caroline scowls at him.

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Dean wakes up and looks around. "...the hell?" He gets up and tries to turn off the record player, but the music just keeps going. He kicks a leg off the table that's blocking the door to take with him as a weapon, and starts exploring the hospital. The floor is littered with several dead, bloody bodies. "What the hell is this?" He finds a newspaper on the floor. It's dated July 12, 1951. "1951?"A growling figure approaches; we only see the shadow it casts.



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Dean enters, placing a bag of groceries on a chair and a six-pack of beer on the table. He opens one of the beers. Sam enters, looking sleepy. "Y—" Dean looks up. "Man, I'm telling you, give me five minutes with some clippers, and..."

"Oh, shut up." Sam says. "Uh, what time did I lay down?"

"You took a siesta around noon. Yesterday." Dean  grabs another beer and throws it in Sam's direction.

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