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Crowley addresses the six people who are sitting around the octagonal table. "Hope you enjoyed our orange juice and pancakes. Best to pack in those carbs in the morning, you know." Crowley says.

Justin Hurst, the man from first missing persons article, speaks. "Are we on a spaceship?" He asks.

"Sorry?" Crowley asks, confused.

"Snapping us up from our homes, our families, teleporting us to this m-mother ship." A Woman says.

"Mother ship?"

"You're aliens, right?" Justin asks.

"Possibly a long shot." Crowley holds up the stone tablet. "Does this mean anything to you?"

"I don't read Chinese."

"Talk about the dumbing down of America. Anyone?" Crowley asks. "Come on. It's fun. Give it a go. You hapless toads are utterly clueless, aren't you?"

"I-I-I got a wife and kids. I-I got bills. I can't miss work." Another Man, Dennis, says. 


"I got rights! Where's my one phone call?" He asks. Crowley makes a hand motion and Dennis doubles over. Blood runs from his mouth. He slides to the floor against a wall.

"Anyone else want to complain? Hmm?" Crowley asks.

"Um..." The Woman stands up and picks up the stone tablet. "We hold this... Um, maybe "these" ...truths to be..." Crowley turns the stone table 90 degrees. "Oh." She smiles and laughs. "Oh, right. That's – that's better, yeah."

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Kevin opens the door and Delta enters. "Hi. Kevin, right?" She asks and Kevin nods. "Hmm. So, I was – ohh!" Mrs Tran squirts her in the face with holy water. "What the hell?"

"And my mother, you've met." Kevin hands Delta a towel.

"Yeah." Delta says.

"You have everything?"

"You bet." Delta hands Mrs Tran a bag. "It was a bitch, but so worth it. Honestly, I am sick of being treated like dirt by those demons. Like, who died and made them boss?" Mrs Tran takes spell ingredients out of the bag. "Well, probably somebody did. But they could use a serious attitude reduction. Kev, where's the ladies room? Long drive, and, you know..."

"Over there." Kevin says.


"Delta, what is this?! I was clear." Mrs. Tran says. "I need to build an arsenal. This maybe gets me one weapon!"

"It's just a little taste of what you'll get when I get paid in full."

"That was not the agreement!" Mrs. Tran says.

"It is now." Delta walks towards the bathroom and Kevin watches her go. She is wearing a short skirt.

"Kevin! Forget it!"

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Sam is using the laptop. "Hey, so it's not just Americans who are vanishing. Uh, this guy, Luigi Ponzi disappeared walking between two subway cars in Rome. And right above ground, there was a freak hail storm." He says.

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