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A Demon walks down a hallway in the factory. Samandiriel's screams can be heard. After the Demon has passed by, Dean steps out into the same hallway and uses spray paint to draw an "X" over the Enochian symbol.

Sam walks through the factory. A Demon sees him. He spray-paints over another Enochian symbol. The Demon who was watching him grabs him from behind. Sam throws the Demon to the floor and stabs it with Castiel's sword. Bright light flashes inside its head as it dies. Another Demon leaps on Sam from behind. Elena grabs it and kills it with the demon-killing knife.

"Thanks." Sam says.

"Come on." Dean says.

Crowley tightens one of the screws on the metal contraption on Samandiriel's head. He groans loudly before going back into his trance. "Zod-leh-fah." He says.

"Demon tablet. Tell me one I don't know, huh?" Crowley turns one of the screws and Samandiriel screams.

Dean, Elena and Sam walk through the factory. Samandiriel's screams can be heard. "Alfie." Dean says.!They hear footsteps behind them and turn. Two Demons also come towards them from the front. Dean spots two more coming from another direction.

Sam ignites one of their demon bombs as Demons run towards them. He tosses it down the hallway towards the Demons coming in one direction as Dean tosses one of his own at the other Demons. They take shelter behind a wall. The bombs explode.

"M-M-Mr. Crowley, not that this isn't important, but perhaps we should be making preparations to leave. We – we seem to be under attack." Viggo says.

"Did you say something?" Crowley tightens one of the screws on the metal contraption on Samandiriel's head and he screams. Dean, Elena and Sam walk down a hallway to the sound of his screams.

Dean spray-paints over an Enochian symbol on a door. "All right, anytime now, Cas." He says as Castiel appears, breathing heavily.

"Cas! Hey! You okay?" Sam asks.

"It must be the sigils. I'm not at full power." Castiel says.

"Sam, help me muss this crud." Dean says.

"No, wait! There's no time. Samandiriel won't last much longer." Castiel says. Dean tries the lock on the door.

"Cas. Here, take this." Sam gives Castiel the angel sword. Castiel covers his ears and sees flashes of an instrument being held close to his eye. Dean tries to open the door.

"Dean, hurry up. Come on!" Sam yells.

Crowley tightens one of the screws on the metal contraption on Samandiriel's head and he screams.

Cas steps back towards the wall behind him. Dean continues trying to open the door. "Dean." Sam says as Castiel sinks down into a crouch as he sees flashes of the instrument coming towards his eye and of himself screaming.

Dean slams a hand against the door. "All right. Plan "B." He says.

"We have a plan "B"?" Elena asks. Dean flings himself against the door, which doesn't budge. Sam follows his lead and does the same. Castiel cowers on the floor.

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