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Castiel is shopping, picking up items which are Dean's favorites. Jerky, his favorite p0rn magazine, beer, and toilet paper. The Clerk follows him as he  knocks things over repeating 'dude!' Cass gets to the register. "I–I have money. Where's the pie?" Castiel asks.

"I think we're out." Chris, the attendant, says. 

"You don't understand." Castiel grabs him. "I. Need. Pie."

"Put the virgin down, Castiel. We need to talk." Metatron says.

"You're Metatron? The Metatron?" Castiel asks.

"Yes. In public, it's Marv."

"Marv." Says Cass.

"And you're Castiel. Kevin Tran told me about you." Metatron says.

"He did?"

"Yeah. According to him, you and I have a lot in common. We're both free thinkers." Metatron says. "We're both on heaven's most wanted list. I thought we could socialize, maybe grab a bite."

"I'm sorry–we can...What?" Asks Castiel.

"Look, I've been on sabbatical. I'm trying to play catch-up, but I have to talk to somebody about what's going on back home." Metatron says.

"And by home, you mean heaven?" Asks Castiel.

"Right. I've been looking around, crawling through a few divine nooks and crannies, and from what I can see, without the Archangels, it's a mess up there. Open warfare."

"I thought Naomi was running things now." Says Cass.

"Is that what she told you? I mean, Naomi's a player—don't get me wrong–just one of many." Metatron says. "There are factions upon factions, all fighting, betraying each other. It's just a matter of time before they start ripping each other apart. It's all broken."

"I know, I'm the one who broke it. There was a time when I thought I could lead our people, but I was mistaken. I spilled so much blood. And I've tried to atone for my sins and I did penance. And I–" Castiel sighs. "...betrayed my friends to protect our secrets, but I've just failed. And now–"

"Look, I know. But now the angels–heaven–need someone to come to the rescue. They need us."

"Us?" Castiel asks.

"Yeah. Just–just picture it. We ride to the rescue, save the day–make a great story." Says Metatron. "Look, the angels are like a big, dysfunctional family. We need to lock them all in a room until we work these problems out–all the factions, you, me–"

"What, like a big family meeting?" Castiel asks.

"Exactly. which is why we have to shut down heaven."

"What?" Castiel asks.

"Do you like crepes? Wait–Eugenie's in Ojai makes the greatest caramel apple crepes." Metatron disappears.


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"I can't find Cas. You think he blew town?" Sam asks.

"Sounds like him. So it turns out that, uh, Father Thompson recorded all of his demon-cure tests." Dean says. "This one here, this was the last one–two days before he died." He starts playing the recording.

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