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       Castiel stands near the exploded cake. The Carer wipes Mrs Tate's face with a towel. "I'm just gonna wipe this off your face, okay?" She picks up a breathing mask. "I'm just gonna put this on." Dean arrives.

       "Oh. You got my message. Good." Castiel says.

       "What the hell happened?" Dean asks.

        "There was a pastry mishap."

       "Okay, and?" Asks Dean.

       "And the frosting reached near-supersonic speeds. I thought –" Castiel starts as Sam and Elena join Castiel and Dean.

      "Hey." Sam says.


       "Fred's gone." Sam says.

       "What?" Asks Castiel.

       "Oh, fan-freaking-tastic." Dean turns to Castiel. "Way to take your eye off the ball." The Carer pushes Mrs Tate in her wheelchair towards Dean, Sam, Elena and Castiel.

       "You're not supposed to be here."

       "Well, trust me, sweetheart, you got bigger fish." Dean says.

       Mrs Tate removes her breathing mask, to Castiel. "Charles, she's wearing my diamonds." She says. The Carer tries to push Mrs Tate past them, but Castiel stops her.

      "Wait." Castiel says.

      "What? What's wrong?"

        Castiel holds the Carer's wrist. "This is Mrs. Tate's bracelet." He says and Mrs Tate smiles. "Where did you get it?"

      "Answer the question." Dean says.

       "My boyfriend gave it to me."

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       Dean and Sam enter and look around with flashlights. Castiel and Elena are behind them. "Hey." Dean picks up a piece of paper. "Bearer bonds. Maybe these belonged to Sheila Tate."

       "So this man is our thief." Castiel says.

        "Yeah." Sam sees someone lying on the floor behind an upturned table, and points his gun. "Dean."

       The person on the floor is the Orderly. He has blood on his face and is holding his hands over a stomach wound. Dean turns on the light and the Orderly lifts his head. Dean moves the table. The Orderly coughs.

      "Cas." Dean says and Cas crouches down next to the Orderly.

       "Stay still. Move your hands." Castiel holds a hand out over the Orderly's stomach. White light emanates from his hand. He presses on Orderly's stomach and the Orderly gasps and moves as if in pain. Castiel stands up. The Orderly lifts his shirt. Blood remains on his hands and stomach, but his wound is healed.

       "How did you..."

       "Guy eats his Wheaties. Sam, come on." Dean says.

       "What did you..."

       "Get up." Dean and Sam lift the Orderly and push him into a chair. "Come on. Sit down."

       "Wait a second! What did you just do to me?!"

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