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       Dean makes a call on his cell phone. "Leave a message at the beep."

       "Benny. I got a body here in Carencro with two holes in it, and I just found out you went fishing. Do I need to tell you what this looks like?" Dean hangs up.

       We see a close-up of a cell phone display that says "1 New Voice Message." Someone flips the phone closed. The camera pans out and we see that the person holding the phone is Benny. A woman's bloodstained body lies on the ground in front of him. We see a close-up of the wound on her neck.

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       Benny washes his bloody hands in a well. Someone walks up behind him. "It's not me, Dean." He says.

      "Now, which "me" are we talking about – Benny, or Roy?" Dean asks.

       Benny turns to face Dean and Elena. Dean is holding a machete behind his back. "I'm just trying to blend in." Benny says.

      "Blend in? Who'd you plant, Benny?" Dean asks.

       "Victim number two. If you're concerned about the missed calls, I didn't want to get you involved. Now... Want to safety that thing..." Benny puts his hand on his own machete. "...talk a little bit or what?"

       Dean takes his machete out from behind his back. "I'm all ears." He says.

      "Rogue vamp. Came into the café a couple nights ago. Youngster goes by the name of Desmond. He, uh, he remembers me from the good old days."

      "Excuse me for butting in, but, the good old days?" Elena asks.

       "I know it's hard to believe, but I haven't always been this cute and cuddly. He's chasing a memory, Dean." Benny says. "That's all. He's crewing up a new nest. He's hoping I can give him some cred. I told him no."

      "All right. So far, so good. Let's get to the part about the blood."

       "Didn't want to take no for an answer. He's trying to roust me out, leaving dead bodies in my wake till I sign up." Benny says. "Two bodies in two days. No amateur is gonna kick me out of my hometown, Dean. Not this time."

      "Hometown? You grew up here?" Dean asks.

       Benny nods. "Born and bred. With Andrea gone and you hunting again, seemed like the right time for a homecoming – you two being the only ones who keep all my ducks in a row. Went back to my old job at the café. I even found someone to hold myself accountable to. Best kind of someone, Dean. Family." He says.

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