Zanevis-My Street (Part 1) ^~^

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You can play the song when ever you want, but I prefer at the beginning!

Travis' P.O.V.

I just woke up and I heard a knock on my door already, so I quickly got changed. I put on my usual outfit, green hoodie, black pants, combined my luscious white hair.
Then I opened the door and guess who I shall see? The wild Garroth, and he asked if I could tell Zane that their parents were coming over to visit. I owe him so I agreed to it. I put on my socks and shoes quickly and ran to Zane's house.
I knocked on his door and there was no response from inaide. I mean why would he answer the door at all? So I opened the door, and it was surprisingly left unlocked for me. I yelled out the ran-haired male's name multiple times, I heard annoyed sounds upstairs so I headed up there.
There were 3 rooms, one was Zane's, which as obvious since it had a paper above which read "My Room". I knocked on his door and heard a loud thump. "Zane, are you okay in there?" I asked, in response I heard more mumblings.
Finally, I saw a very tired and lazy Zane, and he looked... Cute. He asked "How did you get on my house?" "You kind of left your door unlocked Zane. " I answered with a face that said "Really?". He just groaned "Why are you here then?" he asked. "Oh! Right, Garroth said that you're parents are coming over."

Zane's P.O.V

When I heard Travis say that I flipped, "WHAT?! WHY COULDN'T HE COME AND TELL ME?!" all I get in response is "I, uh, don't know....?" Ugh! Why Is Life So Hard?! I'm flipping out because my father is coming this time and I hate him.
My father wasn't exactly the nicest person, but he's still my father. I didn't dare to tell anyone since he makes all the money. I used to love being around my family, used to. My father got his mind stuck on work, and that's why we have Vylad...
But at least I have some one I can live for, why can't I just tell Travis I like him already? Is it because I know he won't like me back? Is it because I know he'll leave me crying? I slowly come back to Travis saying "Z-Zane are you c-crying? Are you alright?" As I realize, I'm crying?! I mentally curse myself for how stupid I am to let my emotions loose. I didn't want him to see me like this, so the only thing I could do is run back under my covers and start balling my eyes out.

Third Person P.O.V

As Zane ran backing into his room and under his covers and starts crying really hard, he forgot to close the door so Travis kneeled beside Zane. "Are you okay Zane? Why are you crying, tell me I can keep it a secret! I promise!" Travis pleaded. As he leaned closer to Zane and put his hand on Zane's back in effort to help. Zane stopped crying a little and asked Travis "Will you promise not to leave?" Travis, obviously surprised at the question replied with "Yes, but what's the question for?" Zane got only got closer to Travis' face and whispered "T-travis..." Travis couldn't wait for Zane to finish and pulled him in for a passionate kiss.

Zane's P.O.V.

D-did Travis really just k-kiss me?! When we pulled away, Travis said "You probably hate me now. I-I have to go." But I didn't let that happen, I grabbed his arm and pulled him in for another kiss. "I-I love y-you too." I said to him and sat up to hug him.
We settled things and talked for a while like how people were doing and such. Then Travis went home, so I lied on my bed for a few minutes while my mind went evrywhere. The I made a very adult decision and got up to get ready.
Cause my father likes shit to be formal and all so I had to dress up and stuff. As well as hide a secret from people and family and now I feel size how hard it might be.


Ugh, I hate life.

Sorry it was short! But it was my first fanfic any ways! Have a nice day! I'll try to make one every Saturday. If I don't Sunday or next week! I'll try tomorrow! I've been listening to Try-Nightcore 10 hours this whole time. That is why it is above! Bye! ^~^

Edit: Yo, I just edited my cringe and as well as made it a bit longer. But it's still following the main story plot I thought up of on a bus ride. What's the point of this? I don't know I'm just bored and now I shall take my leave


🌟。a wonderful day.

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