Headcanons Partuto Tree!

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Garroth and Blaze reference DDLC in as many ways possible

Travis and Dante sing the other to sleep if they can't

Garroth cosplayed Sayori and Laurence yelled from a distance "GIMME A TWIRL"

If you ever hear Aaron, Aphmau, Laurence, or Gene singing in a low voice you have been blessed

The rest of the Shadow Knights refuse to sing

Zane's been caught singing though

He was doodling in his room and had headphones on

Garroth, Laurence, Kim and KC walked in on him since they were gonna go to the mall

He didn't realize

He was singing 'Dear Darling' (Above ^^)

They cried

After Starlight, Zane and KC broke up

Aaron, Dante, Travis, Zane, Vylad and Sasha can play instruments

Aaron plays guitar 
Dante plays drums
Travis plays piano
Zane plays violin
Vylad plays ocarina 
Sasha ukulele

Katelyn and Travis watch SU, Gravity Falls, Breaking Bad, American Horror Story and other stuff together

Travis, Aphmau, Zane, and Dabte all watch anime together

Dante actually dabs the least

Even Zane dabs more than Dante

Zane loves memes

Zane learned how to ride a unicycle for Dat Boi

Zane actually likes shiny stuff

Zane, Vylad, and Kim share a rock and crystals collection

Zane writes in script only

Zane uses Comic Sans all the time

In a game of Do Not Laugh Zane will never laugh

Zane just says things, he doesn't think before-hand

Zane has a hard time losing weight

Zane takes health seriously

Mental or physical

Zane gets really offended when accused of cutting

Zane spies on Aphmau, Garroth, Vylad and Gene's dates

Zane is dad-friend

Zane's favorite thing to say is "I'm just gonna be blunt, you wanna see my cock?"

Trans Zane gives me willpower 

Zane mumbling flirts is the shite

Okay, look, I don't know who to ship Zane with so alphabetical order

Aaron: What're some memories that you'll remember?
Zane: Kogda ya stanu starshe, ya oglyadyvayus' na vse moi venchayushchiye vospominaniya, i ya podumayu o tom, kak rodilis' moi deti, v tot den', kogda ya vyshla zamuzh, i v tot den', kogda ya vstretil vas**When I'm older, I'll look back at all of my crowning memories, and I'll think of the day my children were born, the day I got married, and the day that I met you

Aphmau: If I were an animal I'd be a doggo!
Zane: *Mumbles* Yesli by ya byl os'minogami, vse moi 3 serdtsa bili by za vas**If I was an octopus, all my 3 hearts would beat for you

Blaze: Do ya'll believe in love at first sight?
Zane: *Mumbles* Ya ne veryu v lyubov' s pervogo vzglyada, no ya gotov sdelat' isklyucheniye v vashem sluchaye**I don't believe in love at first sight, but I'm willing to make an exception in your case

Zane reads smuts

And enjoys it

Zane has read every ship

Zane sends everyone weird voice messages that are him insulting them backwards

Zane sometimes just screams random bullcrap

Zane likes licking things

Don't take that the non PG

Zane's bed-head hair is almost as much of a mess as him

(I interrupt this spam of Zane headcanons with a FUCKING TRUE FACT @Diamondtheotaku SING LIKE A MOTHER FRICKING ANGEL AND WHO EVER DISAGREES IS A NIMP)

Zane loves hats

Zane actually is really good at makeup

I'm tired

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