Cheater Cheater-Oneshot

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(Kinda got this kind of idea form another onset and my original idea for Cheated. I got the ships from that, forgot which book cause I have too many Aphmau oneshots.)

Dante's P.O.V.

I left her house and ran back to my shared house with Travis with tears running down my face. "Dante~Kun! Please wait Dante~Kun! Kawaii~Chan is so, so, so, so ,so, so, sooooooo sorry!" I heard as I slammed the door shut. I sank to the ground and cried into my arms, and Travis came downstairs and looked at me. "What happened Dante?" he asked worriedly and sat in front of me.

I just continued to cry and we heard "D-Dante~Kun, Kawaii~Chan is sooo sincerely sorry! Kawaii~Chan was just insane and crazy, please Dante~Kun take me back!". I wiped away my tears, but a few tears still ran down my face as I looked up at Travis. He whispered to me "It's going to be alright Dante, just explain to me what happened. Then I'll handle it bud."

I nodded and told him what happened in my head since we can talk to each other in our minds for some reason. He gasped and quickly covered his mouth, he clenched his fists but let them go when I started crying again. "Dante~Kun, please. Kawaii~Chan knows you are incredibly upset, but please take Kawaii~Chan back! Kawaii~Chan already misses you already!" Kawaii~Chan pleads.

Travis Picks me up and places me on the couch as I continue to sob into my arms and he leaves my vision. I suddenly have a really bad headache and hold my head. "Agh! It hurts, oh Irene!" I scream and before I pass out on the couch I saw Travis and Kawaii~Chan run into the living room.

Travis' P.O.V.

"Agh! It hurts, oh Irene!" we heard Dante scream, and we both ran into the living room to see him pass out. "Dante!" we both yelled and ran towards him and tried to wake him up. "Are you alright? Kawaii~Chan go get Aphmau and Lucinda!" I said. Kawaii~Chan nodded and ran out to go get them. "Dante... I hope you're alright." I say quietly as I wait fro the girls to come.

They came in 2 minutes panting and when Lucinda saw Dante she said "How long has he been passed out?". "About three or four minutes." I reply as she looks at him. A little too close for my liking, "Did he say anything before he passed out?" Aphmau asked concerned. "Dante~Kun screamed out that something hurt." Kawaii~Chan replied coming downstairs with a blanket and put it over Dante.

"He'll be fine, just some cuts, but turns out it was just a headache form crying too much and stress and sadness." Lucinda said. We all nod then Aphmau asked "Wait, what do you mean? Cuts? Crying? Stress and sadness?" "Yes, I can't understand why but I can sense it. You should ask him when he awakens." Lucinda replies. Aphmau nods and Lucinda left the house.

I quickly grab Kawaii~Chan by he arms and slam he against the wall, "What did you do to him?!" I yelled. She yelps in pain and Aphmau runs to help her, "Travis! Let her go!" Aphmau yells at me. I sigh and let her go angrily, "O-ow, Travis~Kun what was that for?" the meifwa asks. "Oh nothing, other than the fact to know why you hurt Dante maybe?" I state sarcastically and roll my eyes.


Dante slowly wakes up and rubs his head as he asks "What happened?" and the three of us that are in the room run to him and hug him. "Wh-whoa! Okayyy then, can someone explain what happened?" he asked. Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan rush to explain to Dante and he just ends up getting more confused. "Let me explain." I said and explained what had happened earlier to Dante.

He suddenly gained his memory back, "Oh yeah! Now I remember! Okay, thanks Travis!" he said. Kawaii~Chan looked him with a pleading look "Dante~Kun look! Kawaii~Chan is sooooo sorry! She was just being stupid! So please take her back!" she said. Dante replied with "I can look, don't know about you though. And you're always being stupid, so no." I held back a laugh and I could tell Aphamu was doing the same and yelled at Dante "Dante! Be nice at least!"

"Y'know what? Okay, I'm going to sing a song to you Kawaii~Chan." Dante said and Kawaii~Chan immediately looked up. "Really?!" and he nodded while Aphmau and I were very confused.Then Dante started to sing a song that I was very familiar with, and I smirked as I knew what he was doing.

Play Song At Top

By the time Dante had finished singing Kawaii~Chan was in tears and Aphmau had to take her home. But Dante just kept smiling and I smiled, "High-five bro!" I exclaimed as we high-fived. Then he went off to flirt with his crush Vylad and I texted Zane all about this and he laughed mercilessly. The End

((I kinda altered it at the end so yyyyeah))

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