AU Idea?

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So, I haven't been active cause reasons. But, I have been working on an Aphmau AU.

So, I want you opinions and help! ๑•෴•๑

You guys can message headcanons, ideas for cyaracter backstories or designs and such! It would so much help, plus I'm still having trouble with designs.

So, I'll tell some things about the characters, also goes along the script of MCD S1. With a few adjustments, like Aphmau never meeting KC or Garroth. Garroth's appearance is put at the end instead, and Liochant replaces Garroth. Dante also doesn't make an appearance either, instead it's Gene and he leads her into a trap. He eacapes easily as the wolves and him are allies. Also, when Zane threatens war Vylad knocks him out. I'll make a chapter bout what happens laters. But no war and Aphmau still gets the Irene Relic. (How 2 spell? ๏̯͡๏)

Name of Group: Inidenisi


The leader of a feared group of people, her persona for normal people is very different from her real personality. They see her as a strict, bossy, and polite person. But she's more of a free-spirited, accepting kind of girl. Though, she can be a bit strict and bossy at times. The purpose of her group is to just murder people that gets in her way of capturing Garroth Ro'meave. That's since he's rich af and she needs the money to run the town she has. She also gets paid for killing people by an unknown person, so she isn't fully her own boss. She is very well aware of the many groups made to kidnap him for his fame and/or money. And that's why she only hires the most skilled and strong people, but there are some exceptions. She can be very silly at times, but she will always get stuff done no matter what. Though her group is also well known to kill, kidnap, and such for fun.


Second in comand of Aphmau's group, and has the same personality of her Minecraft Diaries self. Whenever Aphmau is out or gone for whatever reason Katelyn always takes charge of the group. She's very skilled in combat and is getting even stronger and bolder every single year. She doesn't fully trust Blaze, or any of the werewolves at all. But especially Blaze, she has her reasons and tries to avoid him as much as possible. Aphmau, KC, and Vylad think that she shouldn't hide her reasons. Every Sunday she has a therapy session with Vylad, for her anger-issues. Almost everyone she works with reccomended it.


Kawaii~Chan grew up in a relatively poor family, she looks up to her mother and Zianna Ro'meave. For their baking skills, and kindness. Her life was fine as she opened up a bakery near her little home. That was, until Zane Ro'meave took a stroll past. And set her whole village ablaze. Everyone from her family made it out safe and sound, but that doesn't mean that everyone found each other. While in the fire Kawaii~Chan got lost and another meifwa took her hand and dragged her out. They grew on each other, and then grew up considering each other as cousins. But when they came across the infamous group, Michi booked it. But Kawaii~Chan was like a deer in headlights and stood still. And then Aphmau and Katelyn took her in, taking pity upon her. As they saw her cuts, bruises, burn, and other such injuries. Now she's a favored baker, and all the other bakers/cookers are jelly.


The high and might remaining Ro'meave, he runs O'kasis with the help of two secret servants. He's very hidden, almost everything about him is hidden and a total mystery (Like my GF's beauty). But people say that he has been no longer single ever since his last birthday, but this hasn't been proven true. There are actually quite a lot of rumors on Garroth, but when you're well known how could there not be tons of rumors? It's basically a rule by now, anyways, his brothers have disappeared. Everyone thinks that they're dead by now since they've been gone for like forever. Specifically since they were about 15 years old, during a particularly cold autumn.


Laurence works as a spy for Aphmau, he pretends to work for The Shadow Knights, but he's actually transfuring information to Aphmau. What Aphmau doesn't know is that he's also telling this information to Garroth. He has a decent friendship with Vylad and Dante, and has a friend in his sister's town. I think you guys know who it is, Laurence goes to him or Vylad to know more about controlling himself. Mainly Vylad though, he won't travel that far. He also gets therapy sessions with Vylad, sometimes he has to have it at the same time as Katelyn. He also gets trained with Vylad and Dante, cause they have to be sneaky beans to be spys and other stuff.


I don't know what it's called, but he dresses up as people and hints down people and kill them. He gets assigned someone from Aphmau or Katelyn and he hunts them down to murder them. These unlucky people are either part of another group, or know too much about their group. Either way, blood gets spilled all over him no matter who it is. He also gets into fights with Gene, Zenix, and sometimes Sasha. As he usually encounters them on his way to a town or village, though they don't know it's Dante all the time. Except for Gene, they can sense eachother and don't ask how they just do. This poor boy may have accidentally have gotten a smol crush on someone, but he doesn't tell anyone. Anyone other than Vylad, he trusted Vylad with it.. Only Aphmau and Vylad know about his past with Gene, and they both cried when he told them. Dante cried as well when he told them, he told Vylad first though cause he had a better relationship with Vylad. He also has a secret language wiht Vylad and Laurence, he originally came up with it with Gene. But now he writes letters and messages with the language to tell the two important information. Or sometimes he tells jokes with them and other random stuff, cause Dante's Dante.


Travis is a demon, he ran away from his village/town since they learned he was a demon. They wanted to kill him, while he was running he met Zane and now they're working together. I'll make a chapter on this as well, I got this idea form a one shot I read. I don't remember who wrote it, but if you know please tell me. Anyways, now Travis and Zane work together to find Zane's brothers and other random stuff. They made a bucket list of things to do, it mostly involved murder or kidnapping or other gruesome shite. They're hidden from Inidenisi, but Travis has been confronted by Dante while he was trying to find Zane. Dante promised to not tell anyone, and he kept that promise. At least, as far as Travis knows, since no one from Inidenisi has ever tried to attack Zane or him.


Zane ran away from his family and lived in the words with Vylad for sometime, until Vylad disappeared and Zane was on his own. Then he came across Travis and then yeah, it's stated in Travis' part. So there's nothing more to say about Zane, other than that he's an emoooooo mysterious little nugget thing.


Vylad, after many months, was ordered to go after Zane and take him back home. But when he did find Zane, he went along with him to watch out for him. But soon, he ended up starting Aphmau on her journey and that's when he disappeared. Or more like left Zane to find Travis and live with him. There's not much known about him since he's secretive, but he knows almost everything. He can keep secrets and you can guess that secrecy and mystery runs in the family. He wears his outfit from MCD cause I love it and think it's great for this AU since he can still have flexibility and freedom while still hide weapons. Though his scarf does  sometimes come undone and it flies behind him. It kind of entertaining to see, but Vylad finds it annoying since it smacks him in the face at times.

That's all I got for now but you guys can help me out and give me ideas for my AU!

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