More AU Crap!

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

I slammed my hand down on the white table in front of me, "Alright! Hush everyone!" I exclaimed. Gaining everyone's attention and shushing them immediately, I lifted my head and my hand as I put both of them behind in back. Holding them together I said, "I called this meeting in order because of recent... events. Now, because we don't have all the time in the world. You'll have your daily dose of therapy with Vylad now." 

Everyone collectively groaned and sighed at the same time, then I turned towards a door and motioned for Vylad to enter now. He did and sat at the chair in the front, I nodded towards him and sat in a chair set up off to the side. "Now, I will address everyone's problem in alphabetical order," he started and relaxed. He had started to make some tea, and then he turned towards me and said "Aphmau, have you had any problems you'd like to speak about?"

I thought about it for a second and responded, "Well, yes, I have been having a few. First, the issue with everyone arguing and the distrust with everyone. It's been taking up some of my time, and we haven't been able to get as much work done lately." I saw that some others were nodding, agreeing with me completely. Vylad nodded and closed his eyes, he usually did that when he was thinking.

"I've addressed this issue in private talks with others, and I can assure you I'm trying to resolve this issue. But, for now we'll just have to try to contain ourselves and help each other out," he said. Nods went around as a few words were said, "Anything said will be said loud enough for everyone to hear," Vylad stated. "Vylad this is stupid, I could be doing training right now!" Katelyn exclaimed.

"Yeah! I could be doing anything else! Maybe even reading a book!" Blaze whined, Vylad shook his head as complaints were thrown around. After it started to get loud someone had shouted out "SHUT IT!" All heads had turned to Laurence, "We are here to relax, and let our problems out calmly. Let Vylad speak," he said. Vylad then looked up, noticing how quite it got, "Thank you Laurence," he said. 

"Anything else Lady Aphmau?" he asked, I shook my head as I knew that paperwork and planning was part of my job as leader. "Alright, next is Blaze. Have you had any problems lately?" Vylad said turning to the wolf. "Well, it's the same as always. Katelyn won't trust me and I can feel her watching me sometimes," Blaze whined. Vylad sighed as he drank some tea, he said "I see, and I know Katelyn has been distrusting you since you joined. And we've spoken about her... issues. So just bear with me, and her. I'm sure she can learn to trust you." 

Vylad rushed his words as he noticed Katelyn fuming, and she opened her mouth to speak as everyone around her closed their ears. "First of all, I do not have issues! Second, I won't trust any of his kind especially after what I had witnessed them doing to my loved ones! Third, I'm tired of his crap!" She yelled out, clearly angered and a bit offended, Vylad just looks her in the eye and his eyes have this weird look and have a tint of red for a second.

It shut Katelyn up as she crosses her arms and looks away, "Now, no more yelling or Aphmau will shut you up." I rolled my eyes as if I wouldn't, "Anything else, Blaze?" Vylad asks looking at the heterochromic male. Blaze thinks for a moment and then speaks up, "Uh, yeah. So, say I like this person. And I'm not sure if I should confess for so many reasons." 

He's looking down at he lap and I think he's trying to distract himself form the attention that he's getting. He's clearly blushing from the embarrassment from openly talking about his love life in front of almost everyone he works with. After a way too long moment of awkward silence Vylad finally speaks up. "What are some of the reasons?"

Katelyn's P.O.V.

"I think another person likes them that I know, they're super busy most of the time, it seems like they're so far away, their siblings are probably gonna kill me if they found out." Blaze rants and stops when he realizes how long he's been speaking. I roll my eyes and Vylad sips his tea once more as he closes his eyes to think about what he's going to say. "This person sounds familiar, perhaps I know them and can speak with them?" Vylad asks cautiously. 

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