Zanvis-My Street-Part 10

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Eyyyyyy I'm back! And that's all I'm gonna say -w-


Zane's P.O.V.

I woke up in a pitch black sleeping bag, and I realized I was still in Aphmau's house. I look around and everyone is sleeping in their sleeping bags, but Katelyn of course. I was the first one awake, so I slowly got out of my sleeping bag so I didn't wake up anyone. I sigh and go into the kitchen avoiding stepping on anyone. I opened the fridge and took out milk, and put it on the table. I grabbed a cup, poured the milk in it and put the milk back into the fridge. I was annoyed when I realized I had to take off my mask to drink the milk. I looked around to make sure no one was watching, and when I knew hat no one was watching, I took off my mask and drank the milk. 

"About time you took your mask off." I was so surprised and put down the cup of milk and turned around. (QUICK GUESS WHO IT IS!!!!!) I saw an all too familiar face, I say "Dante what do you want?" I put on my mask after I wipe some milk off my mouth, he responded "Well I got up after you came into the kitchen. Sooooo I just had to peek in." I face palmed "You are so nosey Dante." I replied. "I know, anyways. I'm gonna wake up the others. Wanna help?" Dante said as he pointed to the sleeping people. "Uh, surrrre" I said and then we walked over to the bunch of sleeping people and woke them up.

"Hey Travis wake up." I whispered in Travis' ear, "But Zane it's too early." he replied. I knew only one way to wake him up. "Hey Travis, there's tacos for breakfast." I whispered in his ear, and he immediately jumped out of his sleeping bag and ran into the kitchen. Idiot . I thought as Travis yelled "Hey! You lied to me Zane!" Heh, then I  went to wake up Vylad "Hey Vylad wake up." I say as I shake him. "Mmmmm, 5 more minutes?" he replies. "Vylad, wake up. No exceptions, you're not a kid anymore." I told him. Then he got up and started waking people up as well, I went to Aphmau. "Aph, wake up. Time to make breakfast." she sprang right up and ran into the kitchen to make breakfast. I sigh, and I walk over to Kawaii~Chan "Hey Kawaii~Chan wake up, it's time to make breakfast." I said to her. She did the same as Aphmau, and when the girls got into a "kitty fight" about who's gonna make breakfast. Then when everyone is awake, Katelyn finally comes down. "What's going on?" she asked as she walked down the stairs.

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V.

"Oh Katelyn~Sama! everyone is awake and Kwaii~Chan, Aphmau~Senpai, Zane~Kun, Dante~Kun, Travis~Kun and Vylad ~Kun are making breakfast! Would you like to help us Katelyn~Sama?" I asked Katelyn. "Uh, no thanks, I just got up and I'm sleepy so yeah." She replied. So we just continued to make breakfast, after a while of making breakfast I ran into the basement. I giggled to myself and took out a mistletoe, his will be the purrrfect plan! I ran upstairs and hung up the mistletoe without anyone knowing. Then i returned to making breakfast.

After Breakfast

Aphmau's P.O.V.

I finished breakfast and ran to the living room and plopped down on the couch in the middle of Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn. I look toward the kitchen "entrance" and notice a mistletoe Kawaii~Chan must've put it up I thought. I giggle and watch to see if anyone end up under it, and Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan do the same when they realize what I was doing.

When everyone else started to come in the living room, they started to catch up on what we were doing. After a about 3 minutes Travis and Zane were chatting and fell right into Kawaii~Chan's trap. Since Kawaii~Chan planed it all she screamed "Zane~kun! Travis~kun! Look up! A mistletoe!". They both looked up, right at the mistletoe. 

I giggled and everyone else watched,Kwaii~Chan and Katelyn were recording the scene. Garroth and Laurence were whispering to each other. While Dante was holding in a laugh and Vylad just watched. I was dying on the inside and I can tell Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan feel the same way too.

Travis' P.O.V

I looked up and saw a mistletoe, I looked down at a blushing Zane and laughs quietly. I blocked out everything and everyone, but Zane. I got closer to Zane and when I kissed him it felt like an eternity. I could feel everyone watching us, the girls "fan-girling", recordings, pictures, stares,  I could hear laughter. Everyone could tell Zane was flustered, to brighten up the mood i picked Zane up bridal style. And sat on the couch, putting him on my lap. The girls were "fan-girling", Garroth, Laurence and Dante were laughing to themselves. While Vylad was smiling, and everything was even better when a show came on that we all liked

I'm glad this all turned out okay, I thought Garroth or Vylad would kill me if they found out. Heh, guess I really am an idiot.



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