Zanevis-My Street (Part 2)

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(Random video, very funny. Just take the time to read! JUST DO IT!!!)

Zane's P.O.V

After Travis left I started to get ready for my parents, then I heard a knock on my door so I went down stairs and opened the door. It was Garroth, "Baby brother, mummy and daddy are having lunch with us and are leaving when it gets dark."  Then he just left, I didn't care, I hated him any way. I went upstairs and fixed my messy hair. A few hours later Zianna and Garte arrived outside, they waved to me. Why me? Meh, I walked to their car and saw Garroth and Vylad, but I felt like someone was watching me. I just got in the car, we got to a fancy looking restaurant. "Oh! I forgot, some of your friends are going to come along too!" Zianna said. "WHAT?!" me, Garroth and Vylad yelled in shock. "Shhh! I know I should have told you in the car! But we had a lot to catch up on!" Zianna said. I sighed, "Just tell us, who are coming with us?" I asked. "Aphmau, Dante, Laurence, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan and Travis!" T-Travis?! "THAT'S ALL OF THEM!!!!" Garroth exclaimed. Just before Zianna could respond two cars showed up. The first car was blue, Katelyn, Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan came out of the car. "Hi Garroth~kun, Zane~kun and Vylad~kun!!!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed. " Hi everyone!" Aphmau said, "Hello." Katelyn said. The second car was red, Dante, Laurence and T-Travis came out. Hey guys!" Dante said. "Yo." Laurence said, "H-hey guys." Travis said, I blushed, but my mask covered it. We had a little chat then went inside to eat. They gave us a table of 15 people since we had 11 people with us, then we started to order food.


Next chapter is confusing so, yeah, be awake. I have to start working on the next chapter if I'm gonna keep to my schedule. -_-  Anyways bye!

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