DDLC Aphmau AU

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Aphmau as Monika
Garroth as Sayori
Zane as Yuri
Kawaii~Chan as Natsuki
Laurence as MC

There is a different part for each character



Laurence's P.O.V.

I closed my eyes as I walked to school with headphones on, I heard the faint sound of footsteps behind me a few minutes into my walk. "Laurence! W-wait up!" I heard my best friend yell at me, I chuckle at his panting when he ran up to me. I stopped the music and hung my headphones around my neck, as I looked down at him.

"Hey Garroth, you almost got left behind again. And I even waited a few minutes for you!" I exclaimed at the shorter boy. He chuckled nervously and apologized, "Sorry, I slept in again and I had to finish a bit of homework." I rolled my eyes and sighed at his words, "Alright, just try a little harder next time," I told him before entering our school.

"Remember to check out a club today!" I yelled back before running off, I shook my head at him for notifying me at the last second so I couldn't object. I walked into the school, to another boring day of school.

Time Skip

I eventually got up and saw Garroth waiting outside for me, I raised an eyebrow and gave him a questioning look as I walk over. "I wanted to make sure you check out a club, so I came here. Plus you were kinda late , and I wanted to show you my club! Plus we have cupcakes," he exclaimed happily. I smiled and sighed, "Fine, but only for our friendship and cupcakes," I replied and he continued down the hall.

When we reached the fourth floor I recognized the club room I'd see Garroth walk out of every time I'd wait for him so we could walk home together. "C'mon! There are already three other members!" he said and ran ahead of me, I quickly caught up and he opened the doors. We walked in and I saw three beautiful girls.

"You brought him of all people?!" Zane asked his step-brother, Garroth rolled his yes playfully "He's my best friend, lighten up Zuzu!" I smiled when I saw Aphmau walk over, "Welcome Laurence! I'm sure you recognize some of us!" she said happily accompanied with a warm smile. I nodded, too nervous to speak with a girl like her, "Well, uh, I'm Kawa- uh Nana. Not like you'd care," A meifwa mumbled.

"Ignore her, she's always bitter and grumpy," Aphmau joked and lead me to the front with Garroth beside me, "Welcome to the literature club!" she said. I looked around and saw tea and cupcakes laid out on a table, "What're those for? And who made them?" I asked curiously. "Oh! Nana made the adorable cupcakes and Zane made the wonderful tea! They make them everyday in case of new members like you!" Aphmau informed me.

"Oh, okay, so can we have some?" I asked, wanting some, "Sure! But as long as I get to hand out the cupcakes!" Nana exclaimed and jumped out of her seat. She quickly grabbed the cupcakes and passed them out while Zane did the same with the tea. "These are amazing as usual you two!" Aphmau and Garroth said at the same time.

Laughter filled the room after they finished the sentence and we eventually finished the food and drinks. "Oh! So, Laurence! Are you joining? You are aren't you?" Garroth quickly asked, I looked down at him with guilt. "Oh, I-I uh," I stuttered and looked at the others, Aphmau looked down and fiddled with her thumbs.

Nana looked hurt and turned away while crossing her arms, Zane gave me a sad and confused look and when I looked at him he quickly turned away. I looked back over at Garroth and he had a quilt filled expression and his eyes were glossy. "I-I-I, Of course I'm joining! Are you kidding me? Why wouldn't I?" I quickly recovered, they all immediately brightened up and cheered.

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