Zane~Chan Oneshot

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This oneshot was requested by

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V.

"Zaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnneeeeee~Kuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!!!!!!!" I whined as I tackled him on the couch and put him phone down. "What is it babe?" he asked looking at me, I snuggled my head into his chest and whined out "I'm boooooorrrrrred" He let out a chuckle and patted my head and started to rub my head. I let out long purrs and snuggled closer to Zane's body as I felt my tail wave back and forth.

"I love you KC." he whispered to me and I said "I love you too Zane~Kun." which came out kind of muffled, even to my ears.  He chuckled again and started to rub my back, then he started to sing a familiar song. But I couldn't remember the name, it was at the tip of my tongue and that's what annoyed me even more. But his wonderful singing distracted me out of my thoughts, "Zane~Kun, why are you so purrrrrfect?~" I murmured into his warm, soft chest.

He giggled and replied with a sigh and shook his head as I looked up into his baby blue eye, he petted my head once again and said "Why are you so cute, beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, marvelous, magical, ect.?" I was blushing the more he spoke and buried my face into his stomach again, "Zaaaaaaaaaane~Kuuuuuuun!" I whined again. He laughed and lifted up my head and kissed my lips.

"Mmmmm~" I hummed and kissed back, and I blushed a little when I felt is tongue lick my bottom lip. I slowly opened my mouth and felt his tongue shoot in. I let out a little moan and we pulled back for air, I panted heavily as I was a little sensitive. My ears were lowered as I hid my blushing face with my hands. "Don't hide your beautiful face babe." Zane cooed in my ear, which cause me to peak at him.

He kissed my forehead and took my hands in his and kissed my check, "Don't let our magic die alright?" he said and looked into my eyes meaningfully. "Never." I replied and moved his hair out of the way to kiss his forehead. As I leaned back he smiled softly and I could finally see the beauty that was hidden from everyone for years. "Why didn't your brothers ever tell anyone how beautiful and handsome you really are Zuzu?" I asked.

He let out a chuckle and said "It's cause I wanted you to be the first one to know in years, my love~" as he kissed my lips. I giggled as he started to leave kiss all over me. He got to a certain spot and I let out a tiny mewl. I got sense the sly smirk that appeared on his face when he heard me, he started to kiss and suck on the spot. "MmmmmMMmmmMMmm~~" I hummed, trying hard not to be that loud since he lived with Vylad.

"Alright, I'll stop." he said and kissed my check again, I giggled and then remembered that he was humming a song earlier. "Oh yeah, um, Zane~Kun, that song you were singing earlier? What is it called?" I asked looking up at him. "Emelie." he said simply as we started to doze off into the world of slumber. Then that's when a loud ding was heard and we jumped, then Zane reached down and picked up him phone.

"Who is it?" I asked curiously and looked up at him, and he shrugged and said "It's just a random number, they texted "Is this Zane?" I looked over and he wasn't lying, some random number of 489-833-091 texted him. (Don't call it I just used a bunch of different numbers. - u -) "Text back. You are Zane right?" I said, he shrugged and texted back Yes, who are you?

489-833-091: This is Blaze bro

Zane: Oh, why are you texting me again?

489-833-091: Aph n' Aaron said I need to learn to text so Aph gave me this #

Zane: k, bye

489-833-091: Bai

He changed the contact name to "420 Blaze It" to my amusement and put his phone back down and we continued to cuddle.


Words: 720

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm kinda busy between this, something I'm working on, texting my own love, and other shtuff. Bai!

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