Zanvis Oneshot

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(This chapter takes place in Minecraft Diaries, and a curse came over the whole world and no one remembers Zane after he ran away. That explains some things in this chapter. This is also just turning into a Zanvis fan-fiction book. What ship you guys want next? I'll do any ship at this point, It would just be horrible if I don't ship it though.)

Travis' P. O. V.

I was walking around a meadow here I had spotted that cave before that one day. I swore that I had seen someone or something in that cave, I think they had longish hair?  Maybe? Or I'm just completely blind and my life is a lie all along. Eh, but when I got to the cave I saw the same figure again. They were sleeping near a fire, I looked at their face and body.

She was cute actually, and sexy as well might I say but I'm assuming the person is female. She has the features of one, I shook their body as she slowly woke up and looked up at me. "Hey beautiful~" I say in a sexy voice, they stare at me in shock as I smirk. "Wh-who are you?!" they respond, they sound strongly like a male.

Voice deeper than mine and all, maybe they're transgender or they just don't like haircuts. Either way, I'm bi, so it wouldn't matter to me anyways, "My name is Travis Valkrum, what's yours? Alsooo, what's your gender? " I respond. "My name is Zane, and I am male of course. What are you doing here?" he questions me. 

New information to file in my mental notes, "I saw you before in this cave." I said and got closer to him. But when I got to a certain point I transformed into my demon form. "Shoot" I said and Zane laughed quietly, which I found quite adorable. "I guess we're both demons then." Zane said.

"W-wait what? You're a demon?" I asked very surprised at what he  had just said. "I mean, uh, you look like an angel to me baby~" I quickly said after. (It's 3:33 A.M. rn) "Well for your information, I'm not an angel. In fact, I could murder you at this moment if I wished to." he replied and smirked under his mask.

I chuckled and replied "Really now?" with a smirk, "Prove it." I added and looked at him staring at me. He kept on staring for a minute, "Enjoying the view?" I asked. He looked at my body up and down for another minute, "I'll take that as a yes." I said as he stood up. "What are you doing?" I asked as he walked toward me.

I'm very curious at what he was planning to do, I realized that he was only about 2 or 3 inches from my face. I blushed lightly and then Zane started to lean towards me. Soon we were kissing, his warm lips on mine. When Zane pulled away I fell backwards, turning back to normal in the process.

Zane's P.O.V. 

When I saw his blush I smirked, "Should I take it to another level, daddy?~" I asked in my most innocent voice as I bent over towards him. I noticed blood dripping out of his nose in the low light, as he blushed more and backed up a bit. I crawled closer to him and gave him a quick but loving kiss, and sat on his lap. You might be thinking Zane, how could you fall in love in only a single night? He might kill you! Or Just kill this coconut head idiot already!

Buuuut, I like this guy too much to not love, and trust him or even think about leaving him or betraying him ever. He just blushed more as I yawned and leaned into his chest. He picked me up and cuddled with me near the fire. I quickly fell asleep that night, it might've been one of the best nights of my sad little life. 

(666 words)

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