Random AU Shtuff

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Dante's P.O.V.

I sighed as I left Phoenix Drop behind me, the same breeze hitting me in the face as I quickly ran into a the woods as to not be seen by any passersby. The air smelled the same and I could hear the same animals. I continued to run on a path to get to Niuent, I wanted to get there as soon as possible to get the most work done.

Niuent is a medium sized town, for a new one it was pretty impressive of how big it got in a short time. The wind blew my hair and I could feel my mask pressing against my face as I kept on sprinting. I stopped at a tree to catch my breath, and I leaned against it I wasn't the most athletic person. I then heard footsteps that sounded human and hid in the tree I was lying on.

I looked around to see what it was, a man, no, a demon had been walking on the same path. He didn't seem to see me, so once his back was turned towards me I tackled him and pinned him down. "Wh-What the?" he exclaimed, he tried to turn around but just ended up looking at a tree. "Why are you here?" I asked him, "I'm just passing through, but who are you?" he responded. I started to tie him up and the man-demon looked alarmed, "Wait! PLease, let me go. I know you, if you let me free then I'll repay you in any way possible."

I thought about this, and made a humming sound. "Fine, but you'll do no harm to me or anyone I'm associated with. Understand?" I answered as I started to untie him. He nodded and said, "Travis Valkrum.", I kept a straight face and said "Dante."

"Dante what?"

"None of your business." I replied, and stepped around him to start to head to Niuent. "Don't tell anyone about this." I heard and then felt magic in the air, and as soon as I felt it, it was gone. I sighed as I had a sick feeling in my stomach and lied down.

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V.

Michi and I were holding baskets of food and were on the path to head back home from the Eiabm forest. "So, what are we gonna make for lunch?" Michi asked, and I thought about it for a while. "Maybe a fruit salad, have been piling up on fruit for a while now." I replied, thinking about how yummy it'd be. "Mmmm, yes it does make sense and sound delicious," Michi replied, licking her lips in the process of daydreaming. All of a sudden we heard an arrow zip by us, Michi yelped and started to run away as fast as she could. She was older, so she had quicker reflexes and was also smarter than I was. I was still trying to recover from the shock, and that lead to me being frozen in place.

"Clam down kitty, it's alright," a voice said in a hushed tone, I don't know why, but it kind of sounded familiar. "Wh-who's there? Why are you here?" I managed to get out, "It's alright Kawaii~Chan, I'll make sure that you won't get hurt." the person said. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I started to turn around, but then I was knocked out.

I blinked my eyes open and saw a grey, stone wall, I try to get up back fail since my arms and legs are tied up. I start to mewl quietly and whimper, "Stop it," a voice sounded and their voice echoed throughout the "room". "Who are you?" I asked again, "That is of information that isn't of use to you," they responded. I groaned and sat patiently, silence with only my mind to keep myself entertained and not die of boredom. I looked around and all I saw was that same grey pattern, it was so plain and boring. the place could've at least had some color on the walls and floor, then I look down to the ground. It felt cold, and was smooth and grey, although it didn't have any pattern like the walls.

"I know your name," the person said a few minutes later, and my head perked up at the slightly familiar voice coming from the right of the cell. "How?" I asked, "You speak in third person in your sleep, how do you know Michi?" they responded, "M-Michi~Chan? How do you know her?" I asked kind of loudly. They snorted, "Who doesn't know her? She's a well known criminal, now answer my question," "Sh-she... what? Sh-she took me in as her cousin and took care of me. She was there for me when nobody else was, " I said shakily.

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