A Simple Group Date! Part 5

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Lucinda's P.O.V.

As Kim was putting her phone away I saw my mother poke her head around the corner and run down the hallway. I reached my habd to Kim to warn her but Hyria had already tackled us into a bear hug. "Mother!" I exclaimed as I rolled my eyes, and slowly hugged her back with a sigh. Kim giggled cutely and hugged back as well and said, "Well hello Ms. Hyria, how are you tonight?"


"I'm fine dear, but what I want to hear about is how you two are? How was the date with your friends? How are they? Oh, my Irene tell me everything when I get the tea to the living room!" she exclaimed as she got off us and ran to the kitchen. I chuckled as Kimmy giggled adorably, and we headed to the kitchen as I grabbed her hand and we sat down.

We had a short and sweet conversation before my mother came back with tea and cookies and biscuits and all sorts or sweets. She put the trays of food and drinks down as she sat down, "Now tell me everything that happened!" and go picked a cup of tea. The cup was white with light blue butterfly patterns with what seams like dark blue water streaks.

Kim picked up a few cookies and biscuits as I started to explain what we first did when we got there and such. I drank some tea as well from a white and purple cup, which had purple swirls on it that fades at the edges. Hyria was giggling and laughing and adding little comments here and there at parts.

It was just a nice time and it was calm and relaxing, it almost made me think that everything was absolutely fine. But nah, nothing is fine in this world. Especially after Ein and all that, makes me shiver just thinking about it. Anyways, bad thought gtfo, after a while Hyria and I started to clean things up and Kimmy was getting ready for bed.

It was only 6:30, but she likes to sleep early to feel better when she wakes up and so she doesn't have to drink 5 cups of coffee. So that made me remember that I still had a bunch of kids story books, and now I would be reading some to my Kimmy. When I finished washing the dishes I headed towards my room and grabbed a few of my favorite books along the way.

I opened the door to my room and closed it, then I grabbed a chair and pulled it up to my quite large bed. Which lead Kim to give me a questioning look, I smiled and told her "I'm reading you some bed time stories love." and kissed her head. She giggled and sunk into the bed as I started to read the stories one by one. Until she fell asleep and I put the books away, and I got into bed and scrolled though Instagram.

Zenix's P.O.V.

Gene and I were sitting on the grass in front of our shared house having conversations as Sasha was inside making dinner. Currently we were talking about past pets and family, and I was listening to Gene talk about his mother at the moment. Eventually I got bored cause we ran out of things to talk about. So, I kept on kissing him in random places, get your minds out of the gutter dimwits.

He wasn't complaining so I just kept on kissing him, and I looked up at him after I kissed his cheek again. He looked kind of distracted as he stared at me, he looked as if he was in another dimension or something. "What's on your mind Genie?" I asked him and he replied with, "Oh, nothing, just how adorable you are Zenie." Which made me blush a shiz ton, "G-Gene!" I exclaimed clearly flustered.

"What? I'm only telling the truth babe." he replied with a smirk, and then Sasha called us in for dinner. Gene picked me up bridal style and took me inside, although I had to open the door for him since he was holding me. We sat down at the table and ate the spaghetti that Sasha made, I had the great idea do reenact the Lady And Tramp scene where they accidentally kiss. We got Sasha to film it somehow, though it took some time.

After dinner we went to Gene's room and ranted about random stuff, like how much we loved each other, who's the best anime character, what's the best anime, and other stuff. Then it just all lead down to a makeup session, which was kind of expected. And then again it kind of wasn't, but whatever it happened anyways. It's just what happens at random times, it happens in public too and I don't know why half of the time.

After we finished we decided to watch a movie together, we just had to decide on what movie to watch. Gene wanted to watch a horror movie, but I wanted to watch a comedy movie and we had a miniature argument over it. Then we just let Sasha pick what movie we should watch, and she chose that we watch It. So we were going to watch that, the problem is...

I don't do well with horror movies, or scary stuff in general.

But who cares, am I right? Anyways, Gene was getting blankets and pillows while I was getting food and snacks ready. I had popcorn, jellybeans, Skittles, chocolate, pretzels, and other things you can get at a movie theater. When I went back to Gene's room he was already buried under the piles of blankets and pillows that was in all different sizes, colors, and patterns.

I chuckled and put the food on the bed-side tables and got under the covers while I still held some food, Gene had the controller in his hand. He was waiting fro me to get ready, and I nodded after I ate a jellybean. The movie started to play and I tried to relax myself as I ate some more jellybeans.

Words: 1032 words

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