Multifandom Trash

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Our bbys jobs:
Aaron: Jason's job, like computer coding and shnitz
Aphmau: Writing scripts and stuff for things
Katelyn: Hair salon worker ("She'd know how to dye hair, after all." - Zane)
KC: Baker
Garroth: Animal caretaker, he works at the place and gets paid extra for bringing 3 of the animals home
Laurence: Chef & part-time orphanage worker (like when the actual person's out)
Dante: Chef
Travis: Nurse
Zane: Doctor
Gene: Garbage man (Trash)
Zenix: It's complicated,  he works in a candy making place
Sasha: Fashion designer
Michi: ^^^
Lucinda: Potion shop thing and she's a witch
Kim: Librarian
Kai: Editor
Ein: Helps Luci with the potions
Teony: Scientist

The crew has made so many references that everyone understands

Because they all force each other to watch and play the same things as each other
Before hand they were all assigned a fandom to make references to

Aaron: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Aphmau: Naruto
Katelyn: Sims
KC: Free
Garroth: Thomas Sanders
Laurence: Phan
Dante: Peter Johnson
Travis: Haikyuu
Zane: Steven Universe
Vylad: BNHA
Gene: Disney
Zenix: Pixar
Sasha: Ass. Class
Michi: Mystic Messenger
Lucinda: Harry Potter
Kim: YOI
Kai: Voltron
Ein: Dream Daddy
Teony: P!ATD

I'm sorry my fandoms are getting called out

Aaron goes around saying "That's ruff, buddy." and he told a stranger "Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's true delights." and walked along like nothing happened

Aph runs across the street like Naruto, AFTER LOOKING BOTH WAYS OF COURSE and she wears a Kakashi mask when it rains as long as she has an umbrella

Katelyn sometimes just stands or sits there and in the middle of conversations she starts to speak gibberish that's that Sim language

KC has memorized the dances from the intro and does them at clubs and shnitz, she also attempts to swim better

Garroth stays a happy little sunshine baby and puts on different personas on random days

Laurence acts extra gay and gets extremely close to his lovers, and screams are to be had as he tries to do British people things

Dante joins in on KC's swimming and is extremely reckless (A.K.A. just being himself) and has almost died about thirty times

Travis screams every time he sees balls, and sometimes he screams random Haikyuu characters' names

Zane dances the fusion dances in clubs and has dance offs with KC, he yells at everyone about eating healthy and proceeds to eat chips

Vylad runs away from fire and kettles, the boy also screams out randomly and stomps on the ground

Gene goes around in the color schemes of Disney characters and sings 'Let It Go' to Vylad while doing the Elsa thing up stairs with railings

Zenix screams when he sees lamps, and tries to change his emotions suddenly (Boy's not the best at acting)

Sasha caries a green knife with her at all times and drinks strawberry milk whenever she can and  just randomly tackling her loves

Michi is up to the darkest of hours and is constantly on her phone while pretending she's texting people

Lucinda screams random spells and makes a random magical puff with her witchery, she also hid behind animals

Kim dragged her babes to ice skate and forced them to eat the many foods part of the anime, also, so much gay

Whenever they got lost and separated Kai screamed out "FORM VOLTRON" and he would run all over to gather at least five or seven of his babies

Aphmau TrashWhere stories live. Discover now