A Simple Group Date!

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Aphmau's P.O.V.

The squad and I have decided to go on yet another group date, but the couples are kind of different this time. The couples are Aarmau, Garrence, Zanvis, Vylante, Katechan, Genix, and Kimcinda! I was in my room getting dressed for the date, when I suddenly got a text from someone and I checked who it was from. It was from Fat Lil' Nugget!

Fat Lil' Nugget: Aaaaaaaaaaph, I'm nervous!

Aphmeow: It's gonna b ok Zane! Don't worry, KC is a pro when it comes to match-making (and shipping)

Fat Lil' Nugget: Ugh, fok, fine. JUST HURRY UP CAUSE WE'RE ALL WAITING ON U

Aphmeow: OMI sorrryyyyyyyyy!

Then I quickly got dressed and put some makeup on and I ran outside, I ran to the group "Oh my Irene! I am soooooo sorry! I got distracted!" exclaimed. "It's fine, just get in the car." Laurence said and I hopped in the car and so did everyone else that wasn't in the car. Except Lucinda, she told us earlier that she would be teleporting there, let's just hope she actually gets there and not in someone's bathroom again!

Time Skip

We finally got to the amusement park and I happily ran out of the car, dragging Aaron by the hand with me. "Aaron! I wanna go on dat one!" I exclaimed excitedly and pointed to a dollar coaster. "Uh, we should wait for the others first." Aaron replied nervously and giving me a warm smile and looked at the car. I nodded and impatiently waited by Aaron's side for everyone else to get out of the car.

Once everyone was out I dragged them with me to the dollar coaster I had pointed to earlier "Let's go on dis one first!" I exclaimed jumping up and down in excitement. Almost everyone had groaned, but they agreed to sing on the ride anyways for some reason. Each cart could fit two people but there were enough carts to fit everyone. Each couple piled into a cart, I giggled excitedly and a few seconds later the ride had started.

Aaron's P.O.V.

The ride had started, and I could practically feel Aphmau's excitement radiating off her body and her giggles just proved my point. I held onto the bar and onto Aphmau's waist to make sure the short potato doesn't fly off because of her shortness. I turned to look behind me as the carts started to go up, Garroth and Laurence were basically in the same position as us.

Zane was hiding his face in Travis' chest and hugging the bar tightly, while Travis practically had stars in his eyes. Vylad and Dante both looked like they were having a sugar rush, Kim and Kawaii~Chan was at the same state. Katelyn had her arm around Kawaii~Chan with a face of boredom, Lucinda had her head high like she was a proud Simba form the Lion King. Gene was attempting to comfort a Zenix that was giving the bar a giant bear hug.

Soon our cart reached the top, and the sight the us looking down from about a hundred feet in the air gave me chills. Our cart flew down as I yelped a little and you could practically see stars in Aphmau's eyes. I heard someone yelp "help me" and I chuckled as Aphmau also heard it and laughed , our cart was first so it was already on the top of the next hill thing.

You could could literally feel Zane shaking, once we started to head down I heard Zenix yell "Holy fudge face I'm gonna die!". I chuckle more and held on tighter to the bar and Aph's waist, she was giggling and laughing like crazy and smiling from ear to ear.

Her beautiful long black hair flying in the wind, her breath-taking amber eyes, her beautiful tan complexion...

I suddenly snapped out my thoughts by screams as I realized we were upside down, and I'm about to die.

Katelyn's P.O.V.

I held onto the bar for dear life as Kawaii~Chan was squealing and screaming, I thought I was gonna be fine until I saw that we were going upside down. Now I'm gonna vomit my delicious breakfast on the very first ride we got on. I exclaimed "H-how are you enjoying this?!", Aphmau replied "How could you not enjoy it?!"

"I-I actually agree with Katelyn on this one." Aaron managed to say, then the ride started to go left to right and left and right very quickly. I screamed over and over again my eyes closed, mainly to not see the world upside down and form a very high place. But also because pink, blue, and black hair is flying everywhere and in my face.

"Tell me when it's over! I exclaimed, "Nope! Sorry Katelyn~Senpai, but you'll have to open your eyes!" Kawaii~Chan replied. I opened my eyes slowly as I looked behind me to see Laurence holding onto Garroth and the bar, as Garroth seemed to be having the time of his life. I giggled a bit and then looked ahead as we started to head up another hill.

I quickly closed my eyes and hugged Kawaii~Chan, "Babe, please heeeEEEEEELP!" I screamed in the middle of my sentence. She giggled and patted my back sympathetically before putting her arms in the air and screaming happily. Once we were headed up again she kissed my head lightly, "Don't worry Katelyn~Senpai just try to have fun and open your eyes! she exclaimed. I opened my eyes and attempted to imagine this place as kitty heaven or something.

I mean it worked little,.... okay, a whole shit ton.

I smiled and screamed happily as we dropped down, "See?!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed and I rolled my eyes in response. Then the ride stopped, and it was over already, THE SECOND I ENJOY IT IT'S OVER!!! We all got out and I stretched a bit, "Woooo!" Aphmau exclaimed as she fist pumped the air. Zenix ran to the bathroom as Gene followed worriedly, and Travis held Zane up as Zane was dizzy.

Laurence was dizzy as well, and Kim, Lucinda, Kawaii~Chan, and Garroth were acting like abbeys on a sugar high. Vylad and Dante could barely stand correctly without falling a seconds later, which I thought was hilarious.

Kawaii~Chan's P.O.V.

AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! THAT WAS AMAZING! I pulled Katelyn into a bear hug and she managed to say "can't... breath..." I quickly let her go. "Sorry Katelyn~Senpai! Kawaii~Chan didn't mean to!" I exclaimed and smiled at her nervously. "Heh, it's fine. Buuuut, you owe me a kiss!" Katelyn said with a smirk. I blushed as Aphmau pulled out a camera, and our group was watching us other than the two that left of course.

I quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek, "O-okay, let's go on the carousel!" I said quickly, "Okay!" Katelyn exclaimed happily and skipped towards the carousel. Everyone followed and waited on line with Katelyn, "Please, don't run or skip every again." Laurence said panting. Katelyn replied with "I'm not a child, I don't have to listen to you! Plus, if anything I should be a mother!"

I blushed and hid my hands with my hands, "Katelyn~Senpaaaaaaiii!" I whined like a child and blushed more. Everyone else snickered, "What? I had a wonderful time!" Katelyn teased, I blushed more as Dante yelled out "Oooooo!". "J-just shush!" I exclaimed extremely flustered, "Okay, okay. Guys stop messing with the cutie." Katelyn said.

I buried my face into Katelyn's light blue and white sweater, and Katelyn giggled at my action and patted my head. "Aphmau's cuter." Aaron stated nonchalantly, which made Aphmau blush and I giggled cause MY SHIIIIIIIIIP!!!!!!! "Well Vylad's the cutest!" Dante replied with a smirk, while Vylad playfully punched him arm.

"Oooowwww, Vylaaaaad!" Dante playfully whined as they laughed, I saw Laurence roll his eyes as Travis said "Well Zane is the most adorable!". Zane pulled Travis' arm gently,"Travis! Don't get us involved in this!" Zane hissed. Garroth snickered as Gene and Zenix cam back just in time for us to get on the carousel.

"Welcome back dinguses, just in time for the carousel!" Katelyn said and ran to pick a pony, Genix shook their heads as Aarmau sighed. I giggled and ran after her, and everyone else followed behind me to choose a pony. Aphmau got a purple and white pony, Katelyn got a blue and white pony, and so on and yeah. Then the ponies started to spin and go up and down continuously, "Weee!" I squealed. As did Katelyn and Aphmau, since the carousel was going pretty quick.

I'm sorry but there's not enough time to write all of this as a full thing so I'm gonna do parts so you guys don't have to wait too long.

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