Zanvis-My Street-(Part 3) ^~^

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This is confusing so get your pencils or pens ready!

A-Aphmau K-Katelyn KC-Kawaii~Chan G-Garroth L-Laurence D-Dante Z-Zane T-Travis V-Vylad GR-Garte ZR-Zianna

Song I was listening to while doing this! ^~^


ZR-"So what do you want?"

A-"Some bread sticks and a glass of water will be fine!"

K-"Salad and water."

KC"Kawaii~Chan would like what Aphmau~Senpai gets~!"

G-"A cheese burger and pepsi."

L-"12 chicken wings and coca cola."

D-"A beef burger and Fanta."

Z-"What Aph's getting."

T-'S-same with Zane!"

V-"Tomato salad and water will be fine."

GR-"Mushroom burger and Dr.Pepper."

ZR-"Then I'll have  fries and Sprite!"

(That was useless. '-_-)

Travis' P.O.V.

When we all ordered our food, the waiter said to wait an hour, ugh! But I heard everyone start talking right away. Aphmau and Katelyn, Garroth and Laurence, Kawaii~Chan and Dante, and Zianna Garte and Vylad. It was only me and Zane, but I couldn't talk to him since we wanted to keep our secret. But we whispered to each other anyways. "T-Travis s-should we t-tell them?" Zane had asked, I was surprised I thought he wanted to keep it secret. "I-I d-don't think s-so..." I replied shyly. So after that we just waited for our food to come.

(1 hour later)

Travis' P.O.V.

After a very boring hour we FINALLY got our food, we all eat but I felt uncomfortable sitting next to Zane and eating. "I have to go to the rest room for a second." I said so I didn't have to sit next to Zane, and make us both uncomfortable. I went into a stall and I heard a door open, who is that? "Travis why did you leave?" I knew that voice. It was Zane, "Because I was uncomfortable sitting next to you, I love you but I want to embrace you." I replied. "Fine if you come back then you can stay at my place, deal?" he replied. I was surprised but I agreed "Fine." I came out of the stall and kissed him and went out of the restroom. Soon we were back at the table eating. I still felt uncomfortable, but I made a deal with Zane. I'll just have to deal with it, and keep the secret at the same time too.


This took me 2 days to write! Ugh, any ways enjoy the rest of the day! ^~^

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