Save me from these drafts

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Zane was left back in high school once for his gym grade
The school didn't know about his asthma since he was being me and thought it wasn't cool

Everyone told him it was a stupid reason

Aaron doesn't like to admit it, but he's watched every Disney production available 
Meanwhile, KC likes Pixar better

They go on and on about which is better
Aphmau occasionally pops in screaming "POTATO" with a small potato on her hand (Kind of like Patton)

Honestly, Aaron and KC could argue about anything and everything and that's what most of their friendship is built on

Cats vs Dogs
Baking vs Cooking
Kpop vs Jpop
Meifwas vs Werewolves
Cereal before or after milk
Best primary color
Who's in the better relationship

It just goes on forever

Aphmau has to find a way to fit in a third possible option to make them stop


Then it just turns into shits and giggles

Once upon a time the little Ro'Meave brothers were watching TV in their shared bedroom
But, Garroth saw something moving out of the corner of his eye
He quickly looked over and pointed at it, revealing it to his younger siblings
A cockroach was crawling just below the roof, and it crawled above Vylad's bed
Garroth dashed out of the room and called for their father
Garte entered with a fly swatter and smacked it once it wasn't on Vylad's bed anymore
The dead body fell on a pile of toys as the boys screamed
Garte picked it up, laughing, and left the room
Garth's heart has never beat that fast ever since, and Vylad find new strength to become vegan (With the exception of cake of)
Zane's just glad he's already half blind

I'm a multi-shippng mess
I have no idea who to ship with who anymore

I ship all of them with more than one person and that just leads to chaos

I'm a fucking mess
I'm also going to declare a new ship

It's going to be called WAITT (We're.All.In.This.Together)

FYI, in a polymarious relationships not everyone has to like each other romantically
As long as the others part of the relationship with another canoodling it's a-ok

Thanks for listening

Basically, everyone loves each other very much and it's fucking adorable

Imagine the chaos of having giant ass custom made beds for all of them to sleep in
It's so big that it stretches from wall to wall and there has to be two beds or two rooms with no floor visible and it's just a giant bed 

Aaaaagh, my heart is being suffocated

Imagine all the fun dates they would have, like skating and going to the park

Imagine them having a road trip

I'm sorry, but I melt for fluff and just seeing characters have fun and be happy for once

This is going to be the only content you'll be getting of now

First to last to wake up (If certain people don't stay up all night):
Aaron: 4:30, he's got to keep them muscles man
Travis: 5:00, he always has some elaborate thing for his lovers
Katelyn: 5:10, she work out and chug that coffee
Aphmau: 5:15, them fan fictions ain't writing themselves
Dante: 5:30, he usually prepares breakfast as in gets shit ready
Laurence: 5:31, he usually just wakes up and goes back to sleep
Sasha: 5:31, her hair gets extremely tangled
KC: 5:32, she just scrolls through the Internet or helps Aph write fanfictions
Ein(Because my soft boy needs some love to show him the way): 5:40, usually stays in bed and plays with people's hair
Kai&Luci: 5:40, joins in on Ein's fun
Zenix&Vylad: 5:50, 5:50, goes to backyard and watches nature happen
Teony: 5:50, scientist shizam
Michi: 6:00, usually doodles around the house and colors in her doodles
Kim: 6:00, reading books or goes to Emmy's to read with Kenmur and her
Garroth: 6:20, his mission every morning is to hug and kiss everyone
Blaze: 6:20, his mission is to be the first to receive that affection
Daniel: 6:20, he craves affection

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