A Simple Group Date! Part 3

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Zane's P.O.V.

We finally got to the restaurant and sat at a giant table since there was like 14 of us, the table was shaped in a circle and the table was dark brown with a black cloth over it. The order of the seats like this: Aaron, Aphmau, Katelyn, KC, Garroth, Little Laurence, Dante, Vylad, me, Travis, Gene, Zenix, Kim, and Lucinda. 

Travis' arm was around my waist as he was having a conversation with Dante, while I was on my phone scrolling through Instagram and checking my friend's Instagram accounts. Soon the waiter came and we ordered our food and drinks. I got some steak and wine, boring, I know very well already baka. 

"So! Do any of your guys have any nicknames for each other?" Aphmau asked, "Well duh, who doesn't?" Katelyn replied. "Well she wants to know them, Katelyn." I replied, kind of more rude than I intended. Katelyn put her hands up in defense "Okay the, sheesh. Calm down." she said, as Traivs giggled. "Potato." Aaron said and we all laughed or chuckled except for said "Potato",  "Well I call you Alpha!" Aph retorted putting her hand on her hips. 

"H-hey!" Aaron exclaimed and surprisingly stuttering as well and I replied by yelling out "Hah!", "Zu Zu, be nice to him!" Travis scolded me. I rolled my eyes and said "I might if you stop calling me that." in annoyance. Soon after a little fight started that was broken up by Garroth and Aphmau, after not so long our food and drinks and shi- stuff came. But it felt like centuries to be honest, but when does waiting for food doesn't?

We ate and there was little conversation and if there was it was only short ones, I mean why would you speak when your eating? That's just gross, and if you eat with your mouth open it's also disgusting as fudge. Kim and Lucinda were feeding each other their food, it made me gag of how disgustingly cute it was. 

Aphmau saw what the two were doing and she got the great idea to do the same with Aaron, she took Aaron's fork and put it in his mouth for him. Long story short, Aaron almost chocked since he wasn't expecting her to do that. Aphmau also wouldn't stop apologizing, and Aaron had to keep on saying something of along the lines of "Aph, I'm fine. It was an accident, it's alright."

Katelyn was rubbing Aphmau's back in attempt of comforting her, then Aaron started to whisper things to Aphmau and she giggled at some. That's when Katelyn backed off and left the two to what they were doing, but I kept my eyes or eye on them. Aaron then lifted up Aphmau's head an started to lean into her.

I got up slammed my hands on the table and yelled at Aaron "HANDS TO YOURSELF AARON LYCAN!"

Which Aaron responded to by backing away from Aphmau, everyone else at the table snickered and/or giggled as I sat back down. I gave Aaron a death glare and crossed my arms, "Stahp ruining mah lyfe dad!" Aphmau exclaimed in a silly voice. "I can't when I see a werewolf trying to "play" with you." I replied sternly with a hint of a smirk. My statement made Aaron dnAPhmau blush, "Whoa, okay calm down Zane." Gene said. 

"Save the nasty comments for when we're in bed  Zu Zu~" Travis said winking at me, I felt my face flush and burn like molten lava. "T-Travis!" I exclaimed and he just chuckled with almost everyone else. Garroth just glared at Travis before I put my face in my hands, I could feel how hot my face is.  

Time Skip (Because I'm cutting a shit ton of cringe to sheild your eyes)

Dante's P.O.V.

We were on our way home from the restaurant and Zane and Laurence somehow got into a fight, not physical or anything it's only verbal. At least for now cause you never know what in the world goes on in Zane's mind or Laurence's at times. Everyone was walking and listening to their conversations and some people had to hold back Aphmau, Kim, Garroth, and Vylad from stopping the fight.

"I don't know how anyone could love you, you're so rude and a literal dick." Laurence said crossing his arms.

"Well I have no idea how anyone could adopt an ugly ass orphan like you!" Zane shot back, putting his hands on his hips.

Garroth dragged everyone to the park to calm things down, but it didn't really work and the two kept on going on and on. Aphmau and the other two Ro'meaves made sure there was no physical contact whatsoever.

"I have no idea how your mother resisted the urge to disown you!" Laurence retorted, "Well at least I have a mother unlike you Little Laurence!" Zane snapped.

I backed up a bit as Aaron approached them and said "Guys, stop fighting.", but they totally ignored him and continued to fight. Yelling at each other back and forth, that is until Zenix got tired of their crap and slapped them both. He also scolded them like a mother would to a child after he slapped them. 

After that shenanigan we started to play and do some stuff at the park, because why the heck not? Kim, Lucinda, Garrence, Aphmau, and Aaron were at the swings, Kim, Garroth, and Aphamu on the swings while their lovers pushed them. Kawaii~Chan and Zenix were on the slides, while Gene, Katelyn, and Zane walked around talking to each other.

Like the adults/parents that we aren't at all, and Travis, Vylad, and I were on top of little fake houses climbing around. Soon we got bored of climbing around about to fall face first into the ground, so we went to the monkey bars after. I know, I know, very childish. But I had fun and that's all that matters, and eventually we left to return home cause it was getting quite late.

I spelt so many things wrong jfc

Words: 1,001 words total 

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