A Simple Group Date! Part 4

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Vylad's P.O.V.

I was walking home with Dante, hand in hand, we had separated from group since I don't live in their neighborhood. Dante had insisted on taking me home, which was a very sweet and kind gesture. But I didn't want anyone going home alone, because I'm stubbornly protective an annoying like that.

So, Travis, Garroth, and Laurence are going to drive Dante home when he drops me off at my house. We had short conversations and I don't mind it, since there were crickets and fire-flies in the neighborhood. Which made it look even more beautiful and magnificent than it is. We also held hands as we walked, and it was just a wonderful and peaceful night.

I out my free hand up towards the sky as I was enchanted by the bright stars and how the colors just flowed like a glistening river. Dante chuckled at my odd action, and I put my hand down in response. "Aww, I'm sorry. It was just too cute!" Dante apologized with a warm smile that glowed brighter than any star in the galaxy. 

I blushed slightly and replied "Well too bad, plus, we're already at my house." and I opened the white painted gate. We walked onto my front yard pathway,  I suddenly got an amazing idea and I smirked and pushed him onto the grass. "Hey! What was that for?" he asked and rolled my eyes and said "For star-gazing of course, ya dumbo." I laid down next to him onto the grass as he said "I know you're short, but I'm not an elephant Vyald."

"Oh hush," I said, "First to find a constellation gets 10 kisses!" Dante chuckled and said "Then I'm definitely going to find one first then." I giggled and got to work, looking for a constellation and thought about how ironic it would be if there was one. About ten or something minutes later I found one and yelled out "Found one!", Dante turned to me and exclaimed "What?! How?" I giggled and showed him the one I had found. 

"It's called Betelguese. The slightly red star of Orion's shoulder is Betelguese, a red giant star that is 630 times the size of the Sun and 60,000 times brighter." I explained. "Oh, whatever." he said and rolled his eyes playfully, then I remembered that Dante still has to return home. "Call or text Travis real quick before we forget." I quickly told him.

He sighed and said "Alright, alright... mom." before pulling out his phone and I laughed at his response and said "Well this momma got some sass!" Dante chuckled and put his phone away, immediately after his phone vibrated and he took it back out. "What'd they say?" I asked curiously and he showed me his phone screen. 

DOAB: Goin 2 sat @ Vyald's 2nite 
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): Y?
Sir Stutters A Lot: Yeah, why?
DOAB: Just felt like its, and it'll save you guys time
Casonova: mk
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°): ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sir Stutters A Lot: Don't even think about it.
Casonova: XD

I blushed lightly and glared at him, he chuckled and said "What? I wanna sleep with a cutie tonight!" I blushed even more an managed to stutter out "Sh-shut up!", ugh, I'm starting to think that stuttering runs in the family. Soon we got up and headed into my house, which is very comfortable and my home sweet home.

Let's Go Back In Time A Bit

Kim's P.O.V.

"I'm taking Vylad home!" Dante exclaimed all of a sudden and toke Vyald's hand and left with him, basically dragging him somewhere. I giggled as everyone else laughed and such, well almost everyone. Garroth was glaring at Dante till we couldn't see him, being the overprotective brother he is. Zane has a scowl on his face, "Tsk." was all that came out of his mouth as he is also over-protective. 

"Well if Dante gets to do that, I'm taking my wittle Kimmy home!" Lucy stated, I felt my flush light red as she took my hand in hers.  Aphmau squealed like a piglet as Zane said "Fine with us." and Lucy glared at him in response. "Stop being mean Zane! And bye you two, have fun and be safe!" Aphmau said happily, Lucy smiled and I did as well. Everyone said goodbye, and then we started to walk in the direction of....

Lucy's house?

"Lucy, why are we heading to your place?" I asked clearly confused, "Well your house is farther away, and i'm way too lazy to go. So you'll have to stay at my corner of the world." she replied. I giggled and gingerly asked  "So where will I sleep?" and blushed slightly at the thought of sleeping with Lucy. "You're sleeping with me, since a couch is impolite for someone who is so important to me. And I don't have any big enough guest rooms. Also, my mother, Hyria, is saying over."

I giggled at the mention of Hyria, she's kind of a fan girl like Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau and sometimes me. "That's going to be a lose-lose for us, if we sleep together then she has her shipping fuel. If we don't she can question us without the other knowing." I stated. She nodded in agreement and giggled as we reached her house, I took off my shoes. a

As Lucinda took her heels off and put on the cute slippies Lucy and I bought at a bright little cute store. Her's was purple with orange little sparks, an mine was brownish with a yellow book on the front. Then I pulled out my phone and texted in the group chat as I started to walked in.

Kimmy: Just got to Lucy's! :D
Lucinda: Yes, and as Kimmy like to say it, we just put on some "slippies."
Aphmeow: Pfft, aww!
Carrot: That's adorable! But, I thought you were going to your place Kim.
Kimmy: Lucy was 2 lazy 2 walls there, so yea
Fat Lil' Nugget: *Walk
Kimmy: Yeah, yeah
Casonova: XD

Then I shut off notifications and put my phone in my pocket an looked up as Hyria ran towards us and tackled us in a bear hug.

Words: 1020

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