A Simple Group Date! Part 2

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Garroth's P.O.V.

I giggled at the girls' silliness, and looked over to Laurence "Hi down there!" I said and Laurence looked up at me. "Pff, really Garroth? Hey look, now I'm taller!" Laurence said, I frowned and looked away crossing my arms "Hmph!" Laurence chuckled and said "Oh my Irene Garroth stop being so cute!"

Which made me blush, "Sh-shut up Laur!" I stuttered out and Laurence said "Okay, fine, Stutter Prince.".  "Don't call me that!" I said turning back to him, "Fine, Blondie." he said probably feeling so smug. "Stop it Cadenza 2.0" I retorted with a smirk, "Hey!" Laurence exclaimed and as I snickered. "Y'know you guys act like a married couple." Lucinda stated, I blushed at the thought of us married.

"Well we're not married for your information." and I giggled, "I know, but you two should be, you two are the perfect couple.". Then I saw her wink at Laurence for some reason, but I shook it off as nothing as I wouldn't ever get anything out of them anyway. The carousel then ended and we all got off, "I'm staying!" Katelyn exclaimed. 

I sighed and we all decided that Kawaii~Chan had to babysit her, then we split the rest of our group up. Laurence, Dante, Vylad, Aphmau, Aaron, Zane, and I were going on more rides, while Kim, Lucinda, Gene, Zenix, and eventually Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan are going to play some games. This time Vylad and Dante dragged us to a boat ride for couples, forgot whatever it was called. 

"Remember mommy and daddy used to go on this while we ate caramel apples?" I asked my baby brothers. "Yeah." Zane replied while Vylad said "Yyyep!" and Laurence and Dante chuckled, "That's why I want to go on it!" Vylad said excitedly. He got into a boat with Dante, and I dragged Laurence in a boat  with me and gave him a kiss before the other two couples got in a boat. 

A few second later the boats started to move and I giggled in excitement, there were hearts everywhere in all types of colors and patterns. I heard a tiny squeak and looked behind me to see Zane whisper-yelling at Travis, "Don't do that ever again!" I guessed that Travis was being a Travis once again, I giggled again and Laurence turned to me and asked "What're you giggling at cutie?" 

I felt my face warm up and replied "Travis is just being a Travis again." , Laurence snickered and whispered to me "He's always like that."

Laurence's P.O.V.

Garroth giggled and punched me playfully "I'm not that dumb Laur!" he said, I chuckled and replied "I know, I knowww.". He gave me a quick peck on the lips before a worker handed me a boogie of flowers and a note. Garroth was distracted with some guy giving him balloons in all kinds of wacky patterns and colors, so I read the note.

Give him the flowers c v c

I looked over to Garroth who was giggling and holding a red ballon and a green and blue ballon which had zig-zags on it. I tapped his  shoulder and he turned to me, I quickly hid the bouquet somehow, "Yes Laur?" he replied. I handed him the bouquet of flowers and placed a kiss on his hand. "For you, my love." I said, he blushed and giggled "Why thank you darling." he replied as he got me to blush a bit. 

Then the ride stopped in the middle of the tunnel, and we all looked around confused out of our minds and looking like baby birds that fell out of their nest. Some lit up arrows pointed to a sign that was glowing as well an edit said "First boat kiss!" We all watched Vylad and Dante, since they were in the first boat, and Aphmau broke our ears as they kissed. 

After they kissed the boats continued to move and the ride soon ended, Aphmau and Aaron got pictures of them hugging and kissing. While Zane and Travis got matching hoodies, and beanies which I thought was pretty cute. When we got out I checked my phone, and we all realized that ride took way too long and we had to meet up with the rest of the group at a restaurant.

Travis' P.O.V.

Tacos - v - * u *

I'm tired, I'm sorry I disappointed you guys 

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