Zanvis-My Street-Part 8

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And I did it, I added another part -_- Now the  actual fan-fiction


Zane's P.O.V.

The stupid slumber party was officially starting 5 minutes after I came, I just wanna get it over with now. Everyone set up their sleeping bags and stuff in the living room, Katelyn and Aphmau decided to sleep in their rooms and Kawaii~Chan was sleeping with us. I had to sleep next to Travis and Garroth, which sucks badly. "Okay, now that we're all done with the set up. Let's start off with a game of TRUTH OR DARE!" Ahpmau yelled. Ugh, I hate truth or dare especially with "shippers" like Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau.

 But we all just accepted that we were playing Truth or Dare. Aphmau was going first, "Zane! Truth or Dare?" Of course Aphmau was going to choose me first. "Truth and don't call me chicken or a fat nugget." I answered. "Awww, fiiine. Soooo, do you have a crush on Travis?~" Aphmau asked. I knew Aphmau was going to ask this question, so I just sighed and answered her question. "Aphmau, for the last time I don't have crush on Travis and he doesn't have a crush on me." I guess Travis expected me to lie to her, so he just had no emotion on his face. "Hmph! Fine, but I will find a way to make my ship sail! But right now it's you turn!" she said. Garroth was giggling like a little girl, now it was his turn to do something with his "crush".  "So Garroth, truth or dare?" I asked him, Garroth looked surprised even though he shouldn't. "U-um, t-truth?" the stutter prince answered. 

"Do have a crush on Laurence?" I asked and you could clearly hear Ahp, and Kawaii~Chan squealing. "N-no, why would I-I?" Garroth answered, everyone knew that was a lie. But we didn't tease him about it, other than Laurence. But now it was Garroth's turn. "Kawaii~Chan truth or dare?" he asked Kawaii~Chan. "K-Kawaii~Chan chooses dare!" Kawaii~Chan actually stuttered without Reese being here. "I dare you to tickle Dante for a minute." Garroth said. "O-okay!" After that Kawaii~Chan just tackled Dante and tickled him for a minute. After that it was a  blur for me.


K, I'm done and I'll write another part on Wednesday. Anyways, have a nice day! ^~^

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