Laugh For Me-Garrence

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Garroth, Laurence, and Zane were in Zane's car driving to the mall to meet their friends, Zane decided to drive so he "wouldn't have to deal with their crap". Zane sighed as he listened to music while the other two were laughing and making jokes in the back. When Zane parked the car he took out his keys and all three men hopped out and headed to the giant mall.

"Hey, look! There's the pups!" Garroth exclaimed and pointed towards where they were, making the other turn in the direction. Zane groaned, "Do we have to go over to them? They're too far away!" Zane complained, Zane got his wish since the pups heard his loud whining and ran over to us.

"What's up guys?" Blaze asked when he came over, Laurence shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets as they all continued walking. "Why do you think Aphmau wanted us to come here?" Dottie asked, "Do we look like Aphmau?" Zane asked rolling his 'eyes'.

"Be nice Zane!" Garroth scolded and gently bopped his head, Daniel giggled while Laurence smiled fondly at the actions of his best friend. When Blaze opened the door a gust of cold wind flew into their faces and the many smells was carried with it. They entered and meet up with the others in the center, everyone started to chat away about what event would fill the day

Laurence's P.O.V.

"So, first we're going to get brunch, and then we're heading to the arcade, and when we're done there to the movies, after we're gonna be trying on outfits and buying some, and then having dinner!" Aphmau said counting the activities on her fingers. Nods went around with cheers at the fun day ahead of them.

"Let's go!" Katelyn yelled and ran to a nearby restaurant with everyone else following her, when they got there Aaron selected a giant table that was somehow enough for everyone. When everyone sat down, more suggestions for activities popped up and I sighed. Conversations and sentences roll off people's tongues and I listen.

One or twice in a while I add in my two cents, then a familiar, adorable voice that I'm very fond of call my name. "Hey Lar?" Garroth asks and tilts his head at me when I turn to him, "What's up Garr?" I respond.

"You okay?" he questions, I smile at the worry that was evident in his voice, and I chuckle before responding.

"'Course I am, I'm with the best friends I could ever ask for after all," 

My statement make him smile and turn back to the conversation, I see the waiter coming over and I quickly choose something to eat. After everyone orders something and turn to the conversation, "Oh, Garrrrr, you're so dumb~" Aphmau giggled. I turned to Garroth to see his response, his smile falters and there's clearly a hurt expression that's showing.

But he giggles and no one other than his borthers seems to notice.

Emotions course through my body, but I relax myself with thought of everything I love like puppies, kitties and Garroth. "Y'know if I were to swap bodies with Zane or Garroth I'd probably kill myself," Katelyn joked and rested her head on her hands. I, once again, look over ta Garroth and he frowns for a moment. But before I know it he plasters on a smile, but it's as fake as a Barbie doll's. Maybe even more.

"Hey, even if that's a joke it's not cool," Vylad warns and gave Katelyn a glare, which Katelyn quickly shuts her mouth at. Zane and I nod at the brunette's statement, but Garroth quickly interjects. "No, no! It's fine, we're all friends," Garroth exclaims with a bright, big, plastic smile glued on his face.

"See? Garroth's fine," Katelyn says and rolls her eyes at the other two Ro'meaves, (I just realized I made Katelyn kinda bitchy, but I need a bitchy character. and Aph is used too much.) who sigh in return. When our food arrives, conversation lowers and everyone starts to eat their food and such.

After everyone finishes lunch we head towards the ice skating rink, "We should try to do the Yuri On Ice performances but with easier jumps!" Aphmau chirps. Everyone agreed with the idea of recreating the anime's skating routines. "I'm not really good at skating," Gene says uncomfortably, and people turn to him with a sympathetic face. 

"That's fine! We'll help you, Gene," Sasha replies and skips toward, everyone got to the rink with no worries. 

(I'm tired and lazy so time skip I guess)


Once Garroth and I arrived home we got out and carried our dozens of bags out of the car and headed inside. I closed the door with my foot and groaned as I realized all the stuff we had to put away. I immediately got to work and took everything out of its bag and placed it where it belonged. Either in the fridge, a cabinet, in Garroth's room or mine and other sorts of places things would go.

In about a few minutes of running around the house we had finally put everything away and Garroth had headed to his room. I decided to make dinner as he took a small nap, and chuckled at the thought of him snoring.

Soon I was finished and called out Garroth's name multiple times for dinner, "Garroth! Garroooooooth! Garrrrrr!" I shook my head and knocked on his door when I didn't receive a response I decided that he was asleep. I sighed and entered his room, only to be stopped by a heartbreaking sight.

He was crying into his hand as he laid on his bed in a fetal position, I sympathetically looked at his face only to see tears staining it. I walked forward and he finally noticed that I had entered his room, "Garr, what happened?" I asked softly and sat beside him. He suddenly sat up and wiped all his tears away, as he put on a fake smile. 

"I'm fine Laur! Everyone needs a good cry once in a while y'know?" he responded in a happy tone, I shook my head and got closer to hug him. "I know you're not fine, now tell me why. I won't tell anyone," I promised and he suddenly slumped down. I could hear and feel his crying and tears, they were sliding down his face and landing on my hoodie.

"I couldn't take the small jokes, I'm just pathetic and weak to not be able to stand such small jokes," he said as I rubbed his bad in comfort. I felt anger burn up in my stomach but pushed the feeling aside, "If it hurts you then the others shouldn't be saying them, and you should speak up. But it's not your fault."

Chocked sobs came from him as he hugged me back and I smiled sadly, "It's okay now, I'll tell them. I love you," I said before even thinking. "I-I love you too," Garroth shyly replied and hugged me tighter before looking up into my eyes. I chuckled and gave him a passionate, loving kiss.

And he returned it, and from that day on we held, comforted, and loved each other for the rest of our lives.

Got super lazy, tired, and distracted

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